Complete loss of appetite


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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Hi all. I've had a complete loss of appetite since about Saturday and I'm starting to get worried. However if I don't force myself to eat I feel sick as a dog. I'm taking vitamins but I'm just worried that I'm not getting the nutrients I need. Has anyone else experienced this?
Ermm i got this about 2 weeks ago i just wasnt eating like my usual but now goshhh ive eat my mum out of house and home lol dont worry in a week or so ull be eating soo much. xx
Just eat what you can, it won't last forever. You're body will ensure your baby gets all the nutrients it needs before you even get a look in. Hope you're appetite returns soon :D
I had this early on i actually lost weight lol but it came back with vengence lol dont worry just eat when you can and dont when you cant :D
i had it hun from about weeks 5-6 couldnt eat a thing started on mash with gravy in the end and now i can eat most things :D
try to eat little bits of stuff like half a sarnie
manda xx
I wish...i am pigging out...everyone keeps saying 'don't eat for two' so i'm not...i'm eating for 12!!!! :rotfl:
Im like this at the minute, i just havent got the usual hunger pangs so i am just eating things that i really like, i feel sick if i dont or do eat so just trying to eat little and often
Glad I'm not the only one. Well I just got home from work and managed some toast (which is better than most evenings). :)

i had this from weeks 5-7 i lost half a stone, now at 8 weeks nausea has subsided and i am eating like a is great, i am sure you will too, i wonder if those early weeks are our bodies way of protecting the embryo over a sensitive time ?x

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