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Comming off the pill...


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Hey Girls...!

Im trying to stay away, honestly im trying sooooooo hard :wall: But I cant lol, you may have noticed me lurking about and replying to the odd post :lol:

Anyways, if I am planning on TTC in 8 months, when would you suggest comming off the pill? And when should I start taking folic acid etc.

Last time I stopped taking the pill on Friday, had my AF and concieved the following Saturday... So I dont know wether to try my luck with that again... or wether to come off the pill and wait for my period to regulate etc (which is what I know you should do)
:wave: Hiya I have noticed that you was in TTC a lot and was wondering if you was TTC :D :cheer: so welcome to the mad house (early welcome I know) :lol:

Not sure what to suggest about coming off the pill :think: you could come of the pill now so that it gives the pill chance to get out of your body and so that you can watch and get to know your cycles but if you do that and then the same thing happens as last time then how would you feel if you became pregnant sooner then what you plan?

You could leave it a couple of months and then stop taking the pill, again it will give you chance to work out your cycles.

Trixi is not TTC yet but is working out when her fertile days are and not bding when fertile so you could also do this aswell.

It is recommended that you start to take folic acid for at least 3 months before you start TTC

Good luck when you do start TTC.x :hug:
hiya and good luck. we were meant to wait until now to ttc and hubby just "started" early. with that in mind i came off bcp in sept so that i would have a couple of months to get it out my system and i seem to be back to normal after a month.

also been taking folic acid since october

xxx :hug:

This is such a confusing subject, that are so many different opinions out there, but no one seems to know exactly what the effects are and how long it is in your system for! i came off the pill at the end of September also and have been regular like clockwork, but no luck conceiving yet (early days i know!). If you know exactly when you want to try why not come off a couple of months before just to be sure that it is all out of your system? Good luck.
I came off the pill in Dec 2007 (giving lots of time before starting TTC as we've still not started properly!) and I still am not having regular cycles. Doctors did bloods but there's nothing wrong so no idea what's going on there. Anyway I am starting taking folic acid this month and officially starting TTC after our wedding in March.

Unless you plan on using other methods of contraception to ensure you don't get preg right away again I'd wait until a bit closer to when you're going to start TTC to come off the pill but start on the folic acid whenever you're ready to.
It's probably best to give it at the very least 3 months so that your body can sort itself out and start making the proper hormones itself to give you and your baby the very best chance for a healthy pregnancy. My doc actually told me 6 months when I came off the pill. Naturally, I ignored him and tried to conceive right away, but what ended up happening was that my body was so screwed up between the pill and PCOS that I didn't have a period for over a year, it took another 7 months to actually conceive, and this ended in miscarriage. I'm sort of a 'worst-case' scenario, I suppose, but best to be safe, I think. :hug: Best of luck!!
Thank you girlies ;)

What about if I came off the pill this month when the pack finishes, and had the copper coil put in... I could track my cycles and work out when im fertile... then in 7/8 months time have it taken out and be able to concieve!

So long as I dont get pregnant before Corey is 1 i'll be fine... so thats only 4 months away... so mabey between 4 months and 8 months, it dont matter really... I was just trying to be good lol
LOL i am the same- i'm not ttc yet but cant stay away! originally i had to wait for 8 months too was gonna start in july- but i'v managed to grind my boyf down to february! :lol: maybe u can do the same use ur wiley ways ;)

erm idk about the pill, iv been on it since i was 14 (apart from while pregnant and BFing) i stopped taking it when pregnant in november and decided i wasnt going back on it. i miscarried on 19th novemeber and now i understand temps if i look back over my december temps it looks like i ovulated around 13th/14th december so before i had my first AF so i think ur fertile straight away after coming off the pill.

i'm not on it now im using NFP (contraception which is natural- basically its TTC in reverse!) so i can get to know my real cycles in preparation for TTC. but i dont think its very reliable so if ur dead set on waiting 8 months i would use condoms if i were u. its ok for us coz if it fails and i get pregnant before schedule it doesnt matter really :)

do u not wanna bring it forward to feb...? we could be ttc buddies :D ;)
Hi there,

I so remember you when I first found out i was expecting my second baby.. im hoping to start again in August/September time so if you are still about and haven't BFP by then I will keep an eye out for you..

Sorry can't give advice on the pill as I don't use any form of contraception..(haven't all the time I have been with husband and that is 15 yrs) but we are extremely careful and only ever do the business properly so to speak when trying.

Good luck to you when you do start to TTC no 2 :hug:

Take care
Hi there,
Well in reply to your message about when to come off the pill...I've read that you can be potentially very fertile when you immediatly come off the pill so I've come off it 3 weeks ago and we are trying staight away.
I know people that have conceived immediatly after coming off the pill then other people who it took AGES. There is just no set rule. Eveybody is different.
I had my last AF on 17th Dec and no I'm not pregnant yet as I have no symptoms and can feel my usual symptoms of the run up to my next AF! :-(
Good Luck whatever you decide to do x

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