coming off the pill...any advice


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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i came off the pill just over three weeks ago and we started ttc straight away. usually when i come off the pill i have a bleed for around 4-5 days then im back to every 28 days but this time there has been no bleed at all. i have dont a test but it was negative. i really dont know what is going on im uaually so regular has this happened to anyone else after coming off the pill? a big problem is i cnt work out where i am in my cycle so i cant work out the best times to ttc!!

Hiya! My first af didnt come for 3 months after my last withdrawal bleed!! Sometimes it takes a while for your hormones to settle. Good luck with ttc xx
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Hey i dont really know what advice i can give you as everyone is different

I came off my pill (yasmin) after being on it for 10 years end of july. I had my normal withdrawel bleed that i usually had in my 1 week break, then started ttc. my last 2 cycles wer both around 34/37 days long. though some girls can have cycles much longer when they initially come off the pill.

if af doesnt arrive maybe do another test in a weeks time but it may be that for next couple of months its trial and error as to when you BD until you get jist of ur body and when you ov etc. TBH this is my 3rd cycl ttc and i can honestly say this has been the first time iv took notice of my body and had a good idea of when i ovulated, so im afraid it may just be trial and error for a couple of months maybe.

sorry i couldnt be of more help good luck xxx
Thank you for replying I haven't even had the withdrawal bleed it's so strange it's never happened to me before!! I am really starting to worry! Thanks again ladies xx
maybe leave it another week and if nothing still maybe go and see the doctor just to put ur mind at rest xx
Hey, I also came off my pill (Mercilon) about three weeks ago after taking it for 6 years. My usual bleed should begin round about 14 Nov (if I would have still been on the pill). So waiting patiently. Then that would be my first normal bleed in six years. Can't wait! Haha! Weird I know. Maybe just need to know my body is still normal. And after that trying to figure out when I'll be ovulating.....

So, legally_sara.... I'm waiting with you :)
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Atleast you have some idea I'm clueless!! I never had a bleed since last year!! I'm glad it's not just me I was starting to worry it makes you wonder what is in these pills we take!!xx
I came off the pill cilest about 4weeks ago, everything seems to be up and running ok for me, i think its different for everyone, I have been obsessed with reading other women's stories about coming off the pill and tcc. the best thing to do is not do that and just relax, i think the stress off worrying if your cycles will return to normal can probably effect them. Hope it all goes well for you :) x
Some women coming off the pill don't get a withdrawal bleed and don't get a period til the next month.
I know its annoying but its just a waiting game.
Fx ur body sorts itself out soon :) x

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I come off the pill mid September this year and had the normal withdrawal bleed and got my first real period 37 days after the first day of my withdrawal bleed. You won't really know how long your first cycle off the pill will be as it's not likely to work out the same dates it would have been if you were still on the pill, it's very much a waiting game. Good luck and I hope you don't have to wait too long. I'm hoping this month will be a shorter cycle for me and have bought some OPKs to try to find out when I have ovulated this month. x
Thanks it's just so annoying! My son was a surprise and I was on the pill and never forgot it!! And now it all seems so complicated! I guess I was just lucky the first time!xx

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