Coming off Cerazette in 8 Days

I got my first period today haha first proper one after coming off the pill :) didn't actually expect it to arrive this quickly and hasnt been too painful, just inconvenient
@franjenstein...oh wow im happy for u hun.xx its my third day off and i think ive been moodier than before...hopefulky my period wont take too long...xx
I got my af 20 days after stopping taking it - and it was super light with no cramping etc so wondering if this cycle will be a normal one, lol.
I got my AF 20 days after taking my last pill and it lasted 7 days. The next two were sooooo short and light I only needed a panty liner. Sadly, they've now gone back to normal length and flow :-(
Hiya :)

I came off cerezette January 2012, like you I read some horror stories - such as ppl saying it takes a year or two years to get a cycle and for your body to adjust!! But actually I share similar experiences to the other ladies on here that have been on the mini pill, my first period was towards the end of feb and since then I have had one every month, they have been a bit irregular ranging from 28 days to 35 days (but I find charting really helps i.e. keeping note of when you get possible ovulation pain, body temperature etc) even if you are not actively TTC until Oct I find it really helpful read around on these forums about what changes to look out for in your body! Although i've been off cerezette since January, this month will be our first at actively TTC (#1) I'm really excited!! But also trying to stay practical because I know it can take some couples some time to conceive... can't help but get excited though hehe :) xx
I took my last pill on the 2nd May, got my pill reject bleed On the 7th til 13th, then 20 days exactly I have come on again on the 3rd, it got heavier, and painful, more so than when I was on the pill, dosed up on Anadin now haha x
I don't know if this thread is still open or not (I'm new to this forum!)
I am planning off coming off of Cerazette too. Like some of the other ladies here, i have read some terrifying horror stories! Years of waiting for your normal cycle to return, irregular periods, putting on weight/losing weight.
I saw the title of this thread and thought I'd read it. The posts I've read have been very comforting!! :D Thanks guys!
Hi Olivia, welcome to the forum :wave: Hope it all goes well for you when you ttc :)
Hi Olivia, welcome :)

When are you thinking of coming off the pill?? Most people that i've spoken to on here that have come off cerezette have had some sort of cycle appear quite quickly but often they have been very random... depending on how keen you are to concieve there are things you can do to try and understand your cycle a little better and therefore improve your chances... For the first 6 months since I came off cerezette I was more NTNP (not trying, not preventing) but that resulted in no luck.. but during the previous month or so i've been paying much more attention to my cycles e.g. length, time of ovulation, body temps etc and ive found it useful & im still enjoying the whole TTC journey as much as I did when I first came off my pill in January.. Good luck on your TTC journey.. Look forward to getting to know you better on the forum :) xx
I found that I had to take some pain relief, more so than what I did when I was on the pill. It's been ok though really, only lasted 3 days, but quite heavy, I think everyones just different we all react to things in different ways too, so just wait and see what happens :) x
Hi Olivia, welcome :)

When are you thinking of coming off the pill?? Most people that i've spoken to on here that have come off cerezette have had some sort of cycle appear quite quickly but often they have been very random... depending on how keen you are to concieve there are things you can do to try and understand your cycle a little better and therefore improve your chances... For the first 6 months since I came off cerezette I was more NTNP (not trying, not preventing) but that resulted in no luck.. but during the previous month or so i've been paying much more attention to my cycles e.g. length, time of ovulation, body temps etc and ive found it useful & im still enjoying the whole TTC journey as much as I did when I first came off my pill in January.. Good luck on your TTC journey.. Look forward to getting to know you better on the forum :) xx

Hi :)
Well I went through 5 months of NTNP also! (I just never knew what to call it lol) Nothing happened but i felt so much better as I wasn't taking Cerazette.
I woke up today with horrible period pain like cramps but no bleeding, also i'm in a very bad mood :-( well an hour or so after I had woken up, as I was getting ready for work I started bleeding very heavily.
Sooo.........I've decided no more Cerazette! Will go back to NTNP as we're not TTC but if it happens, it happens....Even though I do secretly want to ;)

Thanks for making me feel welcome guys :D
I'm new here too and just stumbled across this thread. My OH and I decided two nights ago to start TTC. Woo hoo! I'm just sorry that we waited this long. We got married last July and decided to wait a year before thinking about it but now I'm all keen to get pregnant!

I'm coming off Cerazette at the end of this pack, so 7 days from now. Will just let cycle establish and then off we go! OH is hoping for a Sept/Oct baby so we'll see what we can do.

Nice to meet others in the same boat. Been on Cerazette for 2 1/2 years so not sure what to expect.
I take it back I take it all back!! This period has got to be the most excruciatingly painful period I've ever had! This is 2nd 'proper period' off pill from 2nd may but last months was barely a trickle and hardly no pain, I am in AGONY!! X

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