come on little toothy !

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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lelands gum has got a split in it , so im thinking a tooth is on the way :cheer: its really bulging and red too , how long till it actually breaks through ! ?
oo!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: connor's teeth were out within 24 hours of his gum going red.
Ohhhhhhh come on toothy peg!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

And thats great news about leland going helmet free soon! :D :cheer:
ok is it normal for them to go off food ( he screamed and wouldnt take anything but i let him suck on some cucumber and then he took a fromage frias) but then he started screaming again so i gave him a bottle , which he progectiled all over me , him and the sofa :puke: so he had his bath , and then another bottle which he kept down , his not got a temp . is this all normal for when the dam lil thing is breaking through ?
sorry im not sure! :( Ryan's gone off his food lately tho?? He used to eat a whole jar and now i struggle to get a third of a jar into him but he will happily munch on finger food, He also keeps doing this funny thig with his tongue when i try and feed him?
Gem & Leland said:
ok is it normal for them to go off food ( he screamed and wouldnt take anything but i let him suck on some cucumber and then he took a fromage frias) but then he started screaming again so i gave him a bottle , which he progectiled all over me , him and the sofa :puke: so he had his bath , and then another bottle which he kept down , his not got a temp . is this all normal for when the dam lil thing is breaking through ?

Evie was just the same before her bottom ones broke through... She wouldn't have the bottle...I think it must have rubbed on the sore spot or something
I still just cannot believe they are teething at the same time.. first toothies, opposite sides at the bottom. Spooky.
give it a couple days and the one next to it will pop through! the bottom left one came through first for ky then 4 days later the bottom right. well done leland and luke! :dance:
its a nightmare this teething! we had about 4 weeks of bliss after the bottom ones popped through, hes teething again now and is as moody as it gets, plus hes got the snotty nose and chesty cough that came last time. does your LO get this every time they're teething?

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