Come on baby! **UPDATED (Again): Waters have now broken**


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hey ladies :wave:
Im still sitting here waiting on baby to arrive ,at this stage half the april chicks are going to pop before me :lol: .
from about 11pm last night been having really bad period like pains in my front and back (bad enough to stop me sleeping) midwife said they could be early contractions :cheer: but still no show or water breaking yet :( .
Had my sweep this afternoon (it wasn't all that bad just uncomfortable and very undignifying :oops: ) and was told that my cervix was posterior but she managed to pull it forward and that it was softening and about 1cm dilated, so not the best results but it wasnt bad either.
My blood pressure was high at 160/94 (usually its 130/80) so i got to go to the maternity unit assessment tommorrow to get checked, but im hoping it was just because i was anxious about the sweep and these pains ive been getting.

Also hubby and i had a chat with the midwife and we both agreed that we didnt want to be offered an induction with the prostin and stuff if that time comes, but as my blood pressure is high they are a bit wary about leaving me,hopefully it wont be a problem though and the little one doesnt leave me hanging on too long. :D
fingers crossed it happens soon for you hun.

If you didn't start on your own you could just have your waters broken if you didn't want the prostin, that's what I had.
I'm getting twinges too babe - & its accompanied by horrible back ache!
good luck little red!!!! i bet you have a girl lol :cheer:
Sorry if TMI just been to the loo and then after a few wipes i had my bloody show (i think :? ) it was about a tablespoon size of clear snotty like mucus with a few bits of pinkish/brownish blood streaks through it.

Now im really worried if i go into labour tonight because my husband has just started to get a really bad migraine which is not good if i need to go into the hospital, as his migraine usually make him bedridden, sick and unable to speak :( .

lol hev youve been convinced forever that im having a little girly (your probably right, she'll be a little diva that likes to make a scene! :lol: )
i'll keep you alll updated on how things progress :D .
defo sounds like a show to me....

Tell DH to take meds for migraine now...sooner he takes them better they work and send him for an early night, then wake him if you need to.
yea, how exciting!!!!! You could just walk there and tell him to come when he is ready!!!
how exciting keep walking around or bouncing on birthing ball! :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It's another baby boom!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay, how exciting, it deffo sounds like a show to me hun!!!
Good luck, hope all happens soon for you hun!!!
Ooooh how exciting :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Sounds like you could be holding LO really soon :pray:
gosh its gonna b like the sept/oct time when there was an abundance of babies all at once ... GO RED!
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sounds like a show to me !!!!!!!!! Good luk darlin xxxxxxxxxxxxx
My waters have now broken (around about 10.45pm) contractions are getting really quite sore now but still coping with the pain. away to have a nice bath to see if that makes things better.
Will keep you updated ladies. :D
how exciting...will check on your progress on my nightly visits to the toilet...wishing you all the best :hug: :hug: Soon be holding your LO.

hope DH 's head is getting better

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