Combi weaning?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2014
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I know there's a weaning forum, but it's pretty quiet...

Is there such a thing as combi weaning, ie. Blw and purée?

We're not ready to start yet, won't be for about 2 months but I'm just starting to think about it.

I'm edging towards blw but a pouch of purée every now and then may be more convenient.

BLW "purists" would say it's not BLW if puree is involved...but then I think part of BLW is that you can give spoonfuls of things, but you just let baby hold it and feed themselves? The idea with BLW is that it's self regulated and that baby learns to chew things and not just swallow.

We've been doing BLW for almost a month now and not really tried much spoon feeding because it makes a hell of a lot more mess than just giving proper food...and the times I've attempted to actually spoon feed, she just will not have it!

Sooo I'm not really sure how to answer your question haha. IMO, it's just as convenient to give a bit of whatever you're eating, or perhaps some fruit/toast if it's not appropriate (too salty for example) as it is to give puree...but really, I'd just said try things out and go with whatever works best for you and your child!
I did a bit of both. He had purée breakfast and evening meal blw at lunch time. He is 9 months now and eats anything. He now wants to hold the spoon himself and it actually goes in. Well most of it. We take turns. He still had a finger food lunch as he loves it. Very independent now. Sometimes blw just dosnt work when your out and about or in other peoples homes xxx
I think there can be a lot of problems with BLW in that a child needs to learn the process of having a spoon in the mouth and how it feels and works. We do a combination and it's great - he's never had purée, we've always given him mashed foods wih lump sizes appropriate to his age and ability. That way he's learned to chew as opposed to just swallow. It's created a problem in that he won't really eat pouches of food so we have to always time his meals and going out but I would rather it be that way than him refusing all home made in preference to pouches.

He's great at feeding himself finger foods and spoon feeding is only messy when tomato sauce from beans, spag hoops, etc., are involved. Personally I will be taking the same approach again with #2 but it doesn't always suit eveyone.

My LO is 5 months old and I'm planning on doing a combination as my understanding is purées are about tastes as well. He's ebf and on the odd occasion I've given him calpol or colic stuff he's hated it so I'm thinking I need to be able to give a lot of tastes quickly so he's used to it.

I think I have a weaning HV at a baby group tomorrow so I'm going to ask them about it.

Does anyone have opinions on feeding before 6 months old? LO is beginning to watch when we eat and there seems to be the assumption that as soon as you start weaning they're on 3 meals a day. I have a friend with an 8 and a half month old who barely eats anything and they're BLW so I'm thinking what harm can putting a stick of carrot in front of him in the next couple of weeks gonna make (obviously again something I'll ask the HV tomorrow)
I weaned early as my baby has cmpa and hated the substitute milk. On advice of the gp. As he was so young he had just purée at tea time to begin with. If they ain't ready they won't take it xxx
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I did a combination with our son. We weaned at four months, similar to Lilmisshopeful due to advice from the HV and GP regarding his reflux. So we started on purees. Once he was ready I gave him finger foods to try as well as spoonfeeding him at each meal. Eg breakfast would be porridge spoon fed with some toast or fruit chopped on his tray for him to try. I'll do this again with my youngest as my eldest is a fab eater. He was on three meals a day by six months, I couldn't imagine him not eating much by almost nine months.

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