college course


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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i just wondered if anyone has gone to college after having their children. I'm due in february, and until the last year or so i just havent been in the position or frame of mind to stick at a college course. but now, especially seeing as im going to have a family to think of, i'd really like to get a qualification and i've always wanted to work with animals.

anyway, i know its going to be a decisioin i will need to make nearer the time, but just wondered what peoples opinions were on going back to college in the septtember. baring in mind the college is an hours drive away and i would be doing an appreticeship so earning rubbish money.

any opinions welcome
no oppinion reall just wanted to say good luck if you do go, i was in uni when i fell pregnant and due to complications had to quit but i think its brill if you do what you want for you and your family :hug: :hug:
I'm hlf way through my midwifery training, I have two girls ages 7 and 5 and Freya who is nearly 4 months. I would be lying if I said it was easy but I am determind to finish so that i can give them the kind of life they deserve. Think carefully, it's not for everyone but sacrificing some time now might improve the future and although you might not earn much during the course, it will enhance your earning potential in the future. good luck

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