

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
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Hi ladies, Ryan is 24 day's old and has started getting colic in the evening. He absolutely screams the place down and won't be consoled by me at all. If I cuddle him he scratches and grabs at my breasts (I'm bf ing) even if I've just finished feeding him. I think he cam smell my milk as he's calmer with OH.
Any suggestions? Should I try a dummy? Should I go to the chemists? He's in pure agony and I have no idea how to help the poor little thing. Please help xx
I found that winding half way through helps and we swaddle him in the evening.
Try infacol before a feed. Its in a pipette so quick to give and also every now and then just take him off the boob and wind him so theres less wind to get up ecah time. Have you tried rocking him side to side with him facing you and front to back? This helped my LO with her wind loads. It might be worth trying with the dummy. This was a god send with my LO!

Unfortunatly theres only so much you can do :( Oh also, could you try cutting out dairy? This seems to help alot of women breast feeding. Could be worth a try. :hug:
Thanks for the advice and the hugs. I was in tears yesterday. I'm exhausted and just want to sleep. I've been swaddling him and rocking and it helps to some extent but it seems like he only gets mOre agitated cos he can smell my milk.
My boobs are killing me from his ravenous guzzling and are leaky and I just feel so hideous.
I'll be straight down the chemist's as soon as it opens.
Hats off to all you ladies doing this with another child. I can barely keep my eyes open.
Deffinately try a dummy :hug: I can remember this so so wel with my LO. Its soul destroying and you feel bad for feeling bad because you know they can't help it but its just draining. Maybe try expressing a little as well if you find the time and strength so that you can have a bit of a break.

Do you have a sling? I used a moby wrap because I had a section and so couldnt use the pram but its amazing at getting wind up. The first time I used it was when she was about 12 days old and during our first walk all I could here was her burping! Maybe worth a try. You could just wear it round the hosue maybe.

I have no idea how people can do it with another child as well. I swear for about 3 months I spent my life just bouncing my LO up and down and side to side. But one day it just went. Like magic.
Look on youtube for the "i love you" massage. it really helps to make their tummys feel better. Isla did the same at this age, evenings were awful. It does and will get easier I promise. Isla takes ten minutes to feed now straight up and burps by herself. well done for getting this far xxx
Awww hun, it's not so long ago since Emily had colic, It WILL pass honest just doesn't feel like it at the time. Agree with the girls infacol helped Emily although it does seem to take about a week maybe a bit more. I also changed formula but I see your breast feeding. Emma is saying about the 'I love you massage' I also did the water wheel massage and sun and moon. If you google both of them as they're a bit difficult to explain.
:hugs: you're doing really well!
Thanks ladies, I'm off to the chemist now and will try the dummy too.
Thanks for the encouragement too :)
How's Ryan's colic now? Any better?

Sunnyb x
Better now thanks sunny, am having problema with my phone and never have time to get on the computer so I haven't been able to come on much lately. Thanks for all your advice xx

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