Colds during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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My hubby has 'man flu', so it's been the end of the world since Friday :lol:

However, I am getting his cold now, I've tried staying out the house for a while each day and I feel better but being this pregnant, I have to return home at some point and it makes me feel groggy.

I'm taking panadol which keeps the aching head away, I'm drinking honey and tea and wrapping up warm, even though its 33 degrees c out here.

To try and keep it at bay, what else am I able to take or do, I'm really not wanting to go through a full blown cold at this stage. It wouldn;t effect the baby?
It will not effect ur baby, the only thing u can do really is keep warm and take paracetomol. Hope u get better soon hun :hug:
if yu do get the cold you can go to your pharmacist to ask what you can take i think its only something like tunes. i got a really bad cold when i was pregnant an dyou worry so much dont you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Josephine_Beth said:
My hubby has 'man flu', so it's been the end of the world since Friday :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Man flu.... Thats what my hubby gets...

He got "man flu" when I was about 19 weeks pregnant and subsequently past his nasty germs to me, and then I got ill, only amazingly, mine cleared up a lot quicker and I wasn't as Seriously ill...not like him.. :roll:

It was the coughing that got to me the most, but there was nothing I could take for it. the only thing I could do was drink warm drinks and lots of water... But the only way it affected the baby was annoying the hell out of him and giving him the shock of his life when mummy started coughing like a lunitic... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Poor you (and hubby) having a cold in the hot weather! Keep up your fluids that will help it to pass quicker. I wouldn't take anything else other than paracetemol. Decongestants in particular are to be avoided during pregnancy. However, you could try inhaling menthol if you get stuffed up.
poor u- its rubbish isnt it i had 2 colds while i was pregnant i think ur more succeptible- and ur not allowed sudafed (only olbas oil which is rubbish!) it was soooo annoying!
hope u get better soon :hug:
OH got man flu 2 days before I went in to be induced...I was so upset, I was convinced he wouldnt be allowed to come in with me....he passed it to me and felt fine on the day but I was feeling rough, I had bad head cold and hacking cough, but dealt well with it, the midwives kept me supplied with warm mint linctus to soothe my cough and get me some sleep before my 2nd day on labour ward :angel:

Try and rest and keep warm, and dont kiss him :wink:
I had flu 9 girl flu not man flu) when prg all I could use was paracetamol and olbus oil..

I was given honey and glyserine cough mixture but it just made me :puke:

try increasing orange juice..hpe you feel better soon :hug:

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