Room temperature and newborns


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Hi, from my antenatal classes and what I've read the ideal room temperature for a newborn is 18 degrees. That way you can layer up or layer down clothes depending on how comfy your newborns temperature is.

I'm just wondering because my EDD is middle of Jan, basically when the UK is at the coldest. I know that I'll feel way too cold at keeping the house at 18 degrees. I just don't fancy having to peel off jumpers and several layers whenever I need to BF.

Obviously I'll do whatever is best for LO so I was wondering what temperature did others keep your house out? BTW I do understand that a newborn being too hot is more dangerous than being too cold because they can't regulate their temperature. I just wondered if there was a safe sort of temp zone.
My lo was born on the 4 July. London was a sauna. His room was 27 degrees at one point. I just watched him carefully and used my common sense when I dressed him. Now, his room is usually 20 degrees when I put him down which is a comfortable temp I think - not too warm or cold. Hth xx
We keep ours at 20 but when the wood burner is lit it goes to 24 and Cam is more than happy with this it's just a guide I think Hun x
Thanks peeps. Just concerned if I go too cold *tmi alert* my nips purse to the size of currenst and hurt like hell. BF under those circumstances would be a nightmare.
No way we'd have our room at 18deg, my husband would divorce me and move out (he's tropical lol). Our house is at 22deg and I just use common sense when dressing our LO. If she feels hot, remove layers/acts cold, put something warmer :).
Im in the middle east, And the house is generally kept between 22 and 26. (And 22 is COLD after high 40s trust me :p)

Anyway, Alannas bedroom is kept at a "cool" 26 (as in fans on to keep air moving) And she just goes down with her sleepsuit, or if shes gone to bed in just a diaper, she gets a light blanket on top
Oz was born in december, but is a very hot baby. We kept temp at 20 degrees and indoors in only ever had 1 layer and thin blanket and he was always just right. When your lo is here you'll just know whsat is right xxx
Oh my flat was freezing compared to the labour ward at hospital so I had heating on alot when little man got back home x I had it about 21/22 degrees x

Its personally up to you and how you want it I had him covered in 5 blankets at the temp he loved being warm x
We keep Alice's room between 18-20. She only sleeps in a sleepsuit and 1 blanket and is happy with that. Everyone feels the cold differently so just go with what you feel is best.

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