Colds and coughs and throwing up


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Jeez, another week, another problem. My poorly baby is sick AGAIN! He has had a slight cold for a week, sneezing and coughing. Well yesterday after our trip to the beach he started REALLY coughing, so much so that he was being continously sick all night. All of his feeds come up and when thats done he pukes thick plemgh. Its clear in colour. At one point last night he was gasping for air where he couldnt get his breath from being so bunged up :( I was freaking out!

I took him to docs today who prescribed antibiotics but Im worried that he isnt getting any fluid because whatever goes in comes back out minites later. Ive tried giving him an ounce a time and waiting which works initiallly but then he still throws it up when his tummy is full :wall: :wall: The doc just said he'll get better in a couple of days but surely a couple of days without fluid is bad for a baby??????? HELP!
Is he having wet nappies hun? If tho then he will be getting fluids in.

Just keep offering him small amounts of feed/boiled water xxxx

Is he showing signs on dehydration? Dry skin, sunken fontenlle? If so i'd by-pass GP and go a + e xxxx

Bless him xx
he didnt have many wet nappies yesterday but has had one wee today, I know that because it was on me :lol:

Il keep offering him the small feeds and water. He always has dry skin and his fontanelle is slightly sunken but not too bad. He is bright eyed though and alert but Ill keep my eye on him.

Thanks for the reply hun xx
I agree with what xkikix says.

Other signs of dehydration are dry mouth and no tears when they cry, as well as strong brown urine.

To be honest, if you are worried at all I'd go back to GP - or phone NHS Direct, they are great, sometimes better than GP I reckon.

Poor little James, he's really going through the wars at the moment - as are you!

Big hugs to you both :hug: :hug:
I can only advise what the other have said.

Just want to send you some hugs. Sounds like you are having a tough time right now. It's horrible seeing them when they are ill. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww...poor james being ill again.
:( i'd go back to the docs if it doesn't improve in a day or 2.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls. James is really bad. He had a temp of 102c and has the poohs again now. I managed to get his temp down and keep giving him water which he is taking-albeit very little but its better than nothing. I will see how he goes this evening and then seek advice if he is no better tomorrow. Its so horrible him being ill like this. His nose is going red where its streaming so much. My nan is convinced he is cracking teeth thats why he is in such a state bless him! X x
Awww hun :hug:

You said he was bunged up? Blocked nose? Have you tried a nasal aspirator to clear his nose out? I've used them in the past on LO's with blocked up noses and it does help. Means they are able to breath better through their nose (under iirc 6 months they don't breathe via their mouths)

If you are not already doing it try keeping him on a slant when lying down or more upright (pushchair etc) when sleeping. I stuck a pillow under Galen's mattress this past week as he has been a bit sniffly.

I'll drop you a PM later and see how things are with you both :hug: :hug:
love im so sorry James is unwell again the poor sweetie
i agree with Sherlock about the nasal aspirator i have used it with Collier and it did help open his nasal passage :D
I hope hes better soon hunny :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey ladies :wave:

James is alot better today. he slept so well last night which amazed me :shock: he went a full 5 hours straight...never done that before!!! I did prop him up so he could breathe better and I have been using nose drops so he can breathe too. His cough is alot looser (sounds so much worse but its better iykwim )so he isnt being sick and he has had more oz of milk today than he had done the last 2days put together so Im alot less worried now. Thanks for the advice and hugs. I must get a nasal aspirator thingy, I was only thinking that last night but the nose drops seem to have worked ok xxx
Great to hear James is better and that he got some proper sleep.

Hope you have managed to get some rest too :hug: :hug: :hug:

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