cold hands and baby eczema


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Sep 3, 2007
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Im noticing more and more that Nathans hands are always really cold especially at night, they feel ice cold. Everywhere else is warm but his hands.
Do you think this is anything to worry about?

Also different problem, he has come up with red rough blister like spots on his cheeks, my sister said its baby eczema, im taking him the doctors today, im terrifed it will scar and spread, has anybody got any experience with baby eczema?
omg. Yesterday i noticed the same thing about Evan. My husband thinks im over reacting. It has worried me. Evan also has baby eczema and we have been given creams and oils for him to bath in etc, this has helped.

Im worried cuz he also has a cold at the moment and he hasnt been feeding right at all, this morning i found nitrates in his nappy, so hes off to the doctors today.
I know im going to sound really stupid but what is nitrates? Im panicking about them now, ive honestly never heard of this before.
Ive been to the doctors about Nathans eczema and she gave me some cream to put on and said to expect it to spread, it look really sore i dont think it helps that he is dribbling loads and rubbing it into his cheeks too.
I asked about the cold hands and she just said some babies are cold hands, so none the wiser really.
Aimee had awful eczema from when she was 8 weeks till about 10 months. It started on her cheeks then went onto her ankles, backs of her knees and other pathches round her body. Aimees used to be really bad and bleed all the time and she hasn't any scars at all now and it has completly gone. Plenty of cream on him and stuff in the bath should keep it under control. Remember not to use any soaps or shampoos on him either. I also got told not to wipe her face with wipes or cotton wool but to use a microfibre cloth as they are much softer.If it does get out of control the doctor will give you some steriod cream which usually works straight way. Good luck!
Nitrates are like little red brick coloured spots in the nappy. this usually happens when the are first born. Its a sign that they are not feeding as well as they should. Nitrates are harmless.

I went to the docs and Evan has a virus. I mentioned the cold hands and she felt them and then felt his feet. She said that they were a ok temperature. She asked me when they were cold were they blue. they werent they were just pale. I think if they were blue she would have been concerned. I do know that one of the symptoms of Meningitis is that if your baby has a fever but has cold and clammy hands and feet. I dont for one minute Evan has menigitis but it worried me at the time. I feel a bit more confident now i have seen the doctor.Please dont let me scare you about the meningitis thing Jayne, if your doctor thinks nathan is fine then he is. :hug: :hug:
The doctor gave me E45 cream for Nathan and said put it all over his body even though at the moment he only has it on his cheeks, so we have done that tonight, and will carry on each day and see what happens. It looks really sore at the moment though but it doesnt seem to be bothering Nathan.

In the day time Nathans hands are not always cold but they are always at night, i do worry about it but the doctor said it was ok if the rest of his body was warm and it is, i even checked his feet last night and they were warm. Everything is a worry when they are so young, hes only 4 months and seems to have had everything from jaundice to colic to suspected hernia and now eczema.

He is very restless in the night lately though and today he has sorry if tmi a really light green sloppy poo(quite alot of it), and is off his food, he used to eat alittle baby food and 4 8 ounzes of milk, and has only taken about 3 ounzes each feed and no solids, he seems fine in himself though, im hoping its teething, but i seem to be putting everything down to that lately.

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