Cold from hell - need help!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All,

I have come down with a stinking cold :cry:

My head is throbbing, my nose is stuffed and my throat is killing me.

Does anyone know what we can take for it? I know we can have paracetamol but they are useless.

I got some Karvol vapour drops and some strepsils but i'm not sure if these are ok or if there is anything better i am allowed. I am feeling awful and really don't want any more time off work as its only 1 week till xmas :x

Its not even like i can ring my midwife and ask, by the the time she gets back to me it will be xmas!!

Any ideas??

A stuffy Laura and ever growing peanut!
i was told paracetomal and olbas oil on pillow and good old honey and lemon, was advised against lockets and strepsils etc.

hope you feel better :hug:
It seems to me we're not meant to take anything except paracetamol! I'd just take it really easy this week if at all poss - you don't want to make it worse by knackering yourself out before xmas!

Yes not much you can take , just rest as much as possible.
Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Chicken soup-- preferably homemade, but if not then add lots of garlic to it.. It does help clear your nose if you can fancy it at the moment :shock:
Be careful its not too hot, but try putting a towel over your head, over a bowl of hot water. That sometimes help with the stuffiness.

Get well soon!
I've been told strepsils are okay babe, olbas oil on pillow or in hot water over a bowl and lots of sleep & water!!!! I have had the same horrid cold for the last week - its been awful :evil: I can;t hear properly my ears are blocked, my nose is bunged, I can barely breathe & my throat is killing!!!!

I sympathise babe, wouldn't wish this on anybody!! Eat lots of oranges too - the vitamin c will help :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Get well soon :hug:
Hiya, i've just got over this cold, sorry but it lasted nearly 3 weeks!!!! :cry: Sinex was a godsend (the one you squirt up your nose!) also vapour rub, but im affraid thats about it, though a lady i know who is 9 weeks was given antibiotics!!

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