coffee or tea


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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are you a coffee or tea person?

i prefer coffee and i really have to fancy a cup of tea to drink it. :)
Definitely coffee and nice and strong, has to be proper coffee, can't bear instant (from my days working at Starbucks!) and ice coffee when its hot, yum!
yeah i prefer proper coffee to skatty. I HAVE to have it in the mornin. Its not the same at the moment though asi went off it when i found out i was preggas and only just started drinking it again.
i have gone right off coffee since ive been pregnant, im only just back on tea. I found that i couldnt tolerate milk atall.

Ive never been a massive coffee fan, apart from when im dieting and drink loads of it as i find it surpresses your apetite :lol: Jamie (dh) is a massive coffe freak tho and drinks massive amounts of it.

Love ali xxx
Hate coffee never liked it :puke:

Starting to like tea alot more now being pregnant now though :cheer:
I feel all grown up when drinking a cuppa lol
tea! I like coffee but I have to have a cup of tea 1st thing in the morning. I went of it during the first tri but started to like it again with the help of a wee sugar. Now I cant take it without sugar.
Im tea person! Coffee is the drink of the devil lol
coffee is blegh i love tea i even got decaf tea bags the other day :cheer:
Melanie said:
Im tea person! Coffee is the drink of the devil lol

is that why i like it melanie!
oh i love it!

epsecially in the morning!
hehe, would I be right in saying the coffee haters dont already have children, little people who have you up at scary times of the morning. This is when a coffee becomes your bestest friend.
nope no kiddies for me at the moment, first on the way:)

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