Coccyx Pain


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Hiya, anyone have any advice on how to treat coccyx pain?? It's probably a lot to do with my posture but when I'm sitting at my desk or in a meeting for any length of time my coccyx aches!!! Any good cushions out there?
I have the same problem, its agony!! Its not to bad till i actually stand up and then OMG the pain. Work have ordered me a cusion but it hasn't arrived yet. In the mean time, i fasioned myself a comfy chair. I used a roled up towel at the back and a cusion for my bum but left a gap where my coccyx is so it wasn't actually touching the chair. Its hard to explain xx
if you can get hold of a donut cushion like you use for piles, they're meant to be really good - thats what my physio recommended to me! i never actually got one, i just struggled with the pain, kinda wish i had tho lol!
I spoke to one of the physios at work today about this and she said I should get seen asap cos my pelvis may be unstable and Id need to strengthen it now before baby gets too big. Luckily I work in a hospital so popped down to physio dept and got an appointment for a week tuesday. Ill let youall know what words of wisdom Ill get!
Thanks Girls!! I read the rings aren't great cause the hole isn't far enough back if you get what I mean. I'm an occupational therapist and the physios work right across the corridor but we have to order cushions on an individual need :( Toonlass your contraption sounds interesting, read a site with 'solutions' which also suggested a breast feeding pillow is a good shape, may invest in one earlier than I thought! Let us know how you get on Tiny, I've got a midwife appointment on Wednesday so I'll pick her brains too!!
Oh the joys :)
Megsmeadow and Tiny, I hope your appointments go well when you have them.
Please let me know how you get on as I'm also interested on how to deal with it as I'm in agony and I'm only touching my 13 weeks. x
I broke my cocyx years ago and it's never really healed. I find using one of those round the neck flight pillows really helps. You can pick one up at boots for less than a tenner x
try gentle stretches in the morning rotating your pelvis and legs it helps me but you have to do it every day. I learnt the hard way what happens when you dont! I got a dead leg for 2 weeks and couldnt put any weight onit then buba moved position I think and it vanished
I broke my coccyx years ago and it's never really healed. I find using one of those round the neck flight pillows really helps. You can pick one up at boots for less than a tenner x

I used one of those pillows too. I was diagnosed with coccydynia after AJ's birth damaged my coccyx.
I got mine from a £1 shop, cheap and cheerful! :)
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I got my coccyx pillow at work today :yay: only been waiting 2 month like!! Its a big square thing with a u shape cut out of it at the back so your lower back is suspended. Its magic! Work is so much easier now xx
Really!! I have been ok over the weekend but yesterday and today I'm really sore again, I think I'll be asking for one! Midwife tomorrow so I'll mention it to her, I'm getting a bit of discomfort around my pubic bone too so best get it checked!
Well the midwife has referred me to the physio. When she was taking the fundal height she was obviously pressing down on my pubic bone which was really quite tender, and I was so sore lying on my back on the couch. She said it'd probably get better as the baby rises out of my pelvis a bit more, then worse again as it grows and gets heavier!! Eek!!
The only advice she gave was to sleep with a small pillow between my knees which I'd been trying to do. And also not to cross my legs in any way, even crossing the ankles.
On the plus side one of the nurses at work gave me a v shaped pillow which I had been sitting on yesterday (the open part of the v to the back) and it worked wonders. Think I might invest in a proper cushion like yours though Toon!!
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I had very bad pelvic pain last time around, they said it was SPD. I was referred to a physio who gave me a supportive belt to wear which helped a teeny bit - I had to go back to get crutches after finding it difficult to stand in the mornings and trying to get to the loo was mission impossible!

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