C'Mon Then Girls...

dannii87 said:
Aww that's a lovely idea!

You're still popping back then Lucie! :cheer:


I've not even left yet :oops: Waiting for you guys to catch up!! :D xx
Ah bless you!! You're so lovely. Well, I'm planning on moving Monday, but if you're waiting til Tuesday then I'll wait with you!! :hug:

It'll be nice for the girls over there for a whole bunch to move together as well, as much as it would be great for us too!

(Remind me about your scan on Tuesday! :cheer: We'll all write you a good luck post)

Apparently i get my valentines day on saturday night and sunday, i know he's got me the day off (we work together) and giving me one of his shifts so i dont lose the money, he says he has things planned but i'll have to wait to see what that is!!
He worked 9-9 today so i got the typical valentines msg in the morning and he came down to mine on his breaks with some perfume (wasnt exactly meant to be a valentines present apparently) and i saw him after work, and he even managed to do the whole romantic sex thing AND stayed awake for the whole of skins :rotfl: he's normally asleep 10 mins after sex lol
lol Clare, bless him! That's a loooong day :bored: I couldn't do it.

Oooooh, have you had your scan yet? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?

We had the scan yeah, baby behaved wonderfully for the scan except for when we went to look at the sex and had the cord between it's legs, we were a little disappionted but now he's paying for a 4D scan next month :cheer: so we'll find out then.
I know 9-9's are long and means theres no chance of any romance, and hes doing on again today, and i've gotta work until 8 2mos :roll:
Ah that's amazing! I'll definitely have a look out for the pics :cheer:

Not long to wait then :roll:

Oh no... You'll miss You've Been Framed and Harry Hill!


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