C'Mon Then Girls...

aah poor you, yes I can smell my flowers and they are lovely!!

i do call my DH sometimes but deep down he is a real sweetie!!

I've heard it's at the labour where they truly prove themselves!

In my case, the absense of the sperm donor proves something :roll: and it deffo isn't anything good! lol

:D I think mines just gonna be either crying or worrying through the whole giving birth thing bless him. :hug:

Hehehe @ sperm donor
Dannii, by the sounds of it, your going to be a lot better off without that tw@t in your life! he doesnt deserve kids! especially not the beautiful one your going to have, seriously i admire your strength so much and am kinda jealous of all the love you have already lol, but i still wanna kick that d!ck of a sperm donor so hard he never does it again!
lol aww bless you Chel-C!! :hug:

I'm sure he won't get himself into this again in a hurry - I certainly hope not anyway!

Argh he's the kind of person I watch on Jeremy Kyle and want to boot off the stage! :evil:

Your fellas will be great girls! My mum will be there at the birth :D I'm so glad I have a reason now to pick her instead!!

She'd probably cope better anyway. Shaun fainted during Romi's and was having Gas and Air as he said i almost broke his knuckle PMSL he took one look at the head and fainted haha, he didnt like it. he wouldnt do anything in bed for about 4 months after as well as he said it was all he could see haha, god knows who's coming in this time lol
I got a beautiful bunch of lillies and a romantic card and a lovely meal in a Thai restaurant. And now we are heading to bed to do some BD but without the stress of wondering if we have made a baby or not!! :rotfl:

Ciao! x
:) hahaaa Anthony is NOT going to be looking anywhere near that area when its coming out haha! Hes gonna have to be giving me kisses its not the appropriate time to be perving on me! Hahaha!
Gingercubes said:
:) hahaaa Anthony is NOT going to be looking anywhere near that area when its coming out haha! Hes gonna have to be giving me kisses its not the appropriate time to be perving on me! Hahaha!

Haha! That's so funny.. Let him peek though because it'll be a long time (possibly) before he sees it again!!

Not Ani's bloke though, oh no, he's getting some tonight lol :cheer:

Poor Shaun Chel-C, what's he going to be like when 2 pop out of there?! :shock:

:D Hes allowed there when ever he likes but NOT when its being used for its proper purpose haha, I swear if he saw a baby come out of there he wont wanna go near me ever again! heheeee. :D
lol bless him!

I'm going to bed now girlies, thank you so much for the chats tonight, I've really enjoyed it!! :hug: Had a lorra lorra laughs too!!

Miss Monroe chicky, good luck tomorrow babe, I'll be thinking of you at 11:20!!! xx
Me tooo Sleeppppyyy. :sleep:

Oh's has just confirmed he would cuddle me if i was covered in stinking old poo hahaha so Im safe for a while :D :D
Awww Chel-C :hug: Don't worry, you've got lots of emotional support here and lots of physical support over there :hug:

Night girls xxx
night sweetie

its not support i need, it's a 'bigger wooie' as my little sister jusy infromed me!
Not much of a romantic day for me!

Met up with my best buddie for lunch, then some more friend for coffee after (they had little pots of heart shape sweets in the cafe bless!)

Was planning on getting home, have a clear up, lighting some candles and cooking OH his fave dinner and putting on a lovey CD I'd bought for him. But he didn't go to the gym so had no time!

Instead we had some french sausage, cibatta, cheese and olives and still listend to the CD - Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole etc all his faves and closed our eyes to imagine we were in Venice!! I also bought him a heart shaped chocolate fondue set and heart shaped marshmallows which we scoffed before he passed out in bed before me :evil:

I've booked a little get away to France in April which is his main present. Hope the sun shines! xx
Aww that's a lovely idea!

You're still popping back then Lucie! :cheer:

Danni shouldn't you be joining me in 2nd tri .......lol, ive been waiting ages....lol.
I keep popping in and seeing how everyones doing.
lol ah Sara you caught me.. Well, I'm one day away from it!

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