Cloth V disposable - THE TRUTH! (from an expert - hee)


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Everyone knows I'm a cloth nutter and I'm really excited to see so many mums interested over the last few weeks :D

There are lots of advantages to using cloth nappies, it's loads cheaper, cuter and better for the environment. If you're not convinced by the energy arguement (the study was funded by major disposable companies) think of the landfill!

BUT there are pro's and cons with everything and I do think it's worth mentioning that there are sacrifices to be made when switching. NOTHING is more convenient that a disposable nappy. Open it, stick it on, then chuck it away. Plus IMHO, and I've tried EVERY nappy out there, you will NEVER find one that's as slim as a disposable, so minor concessions to clothing sometimes have to be made. The washing really is simple, just an extra load every other day or so, but if you can't bear any more household chores at all it'll need taking into consideration.

We make so many decisions as mums, how to feed, clothe and carry our babies, that I'm pleased cloth nappying is fast become a realistic alternative. We have to weigh up the options and decide which route is right for us.

I'd love to answer any questions by PM if you can't find the answer in the many threads we currently have on the subject. Don't be shy, I LOVE helping people buy nappies! :lol:
Thanks minxy, i think I will put Jamie in cloth nappies at home when he is in his pyjamas with me but if we go out and he needs to wear clothes i will use disposables!!
Minxy I have PM - thanks for offering your services!!!
just thought i would comend all you cloth bums cos i can be f**ked!! Disposables all the way for me thanks :rotfl:

Thank's for the honest advice Minxy. It is always nice to be forewarned before you do something otherwise I would give up at the first hurdle. :rotfl:
Minxy, I'd like to ask if there is better nappies for different shaped babies??

For example I currently use pampers but huggies leak on Katy, whereas I know some mums find the opposite depending on their babies shape!!

I'd really like to start using cloth for Katy, & when the new baby arrives but I have a lot of researching to do as there are so so many!!
I'm itching for Ethan to fit into his. He's got little lambs and rainbow bots and in size 2 little lambs and rainbow bamboozles. They're way too big for him yet plus I'm still establishing a routine but I'm quite confident I'll manage :)
Nappy brands are like clothes, there's so much choice that some do fit different babies better. The main point of contention is the rise (how high they sit on the waist)

If bubs is tall you may need a higher rose, unless you like the hipster look! The best thing to do is order just one of a couple of types and try until you find one you like, you will get there :D

What shape is Katy?
Shes only a wee thing, weighs 15lbs 9oz now!! She quite long and slim I suppose!!

What do you recommend.....PM me if you don't want to go into too much detail on here.......and amazingly i'm feeling pretty good at the moment thanks!! :D

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