I'm planning on cloth nappying too. I've bought a packet of Bambino Mio's plus the wraps (8 nappies in one of their packs so bought 4 wraps). I've also bought a few Tots-Bots, Bumbles, Motherease and two Wonderoo's. I just thought I'd try a selection on my son once born and see how we both get on with them, I love the look of certain ones more than others but if the others keep him drier and fit better then we'll go for those. Case of trial and error with cotton nappies I think (espeically for a first time mum!) so we just opted for a few of each instead of say 40 nappies in a brand that our little Pudding just didn't get along well with. I think preference comes down to what fits, works, prevents leaks etc and this seems to vary greatly from mother and child to another mother and child. Good luck with the venture and check out what schemes your local council offer too, I'll be getting (8 weeks before the birth) a cotton starter pack from mine, around £100 worth of nappies, wipes, wraps etc and they state in the brochure it's around half of what we'll need birth to potty. It's a good insentive, worth investigating (oh and £30 cashback from our council tax bill!).