Cloth bums


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Was just wondering if your baby has a cloth bum do you find you have to buy bigger clothes as bum won't fit in? If you know what i mean :D
yes they are a bit more bulky than the disposables, all depends on the clothes really, harry is still in 0-3 and plenty of room for the nappies.
Baby smile and his big cloth bum live in dungarees and and babygros - so that's a yes but we just get the next size up and avoid skinny jeans ~(which IMO looks ridiculous on tiny babes anyway) so it's not too bad :)
I've just recently out these on Finlay and am still dressing him in his normal sleep suits that he was in - they stretch anyway :lol:

But they are more bulky - and so cute!
Thanks for your replies ladies will have to remember that when buying clothes :hug:

Bee did you get the LIttle Lambs? Think i remember you saying you did :think: if so how you getting on with them just asking as i've got the birth to potty pack. x
Dont you love the look! Dj is still in sleepsuits most of time so ive not had to buy bigger sizes.

I mainly use pocket nappies (bumgenius) and they are as slim fitting as disposables.
yeah I got little lambs and they r great! They r too big for him and will last ages

I didn't get the birth to potty pack as I have no room for the ones I wouldn't be using. I can easily sell the size 1s and buy the next ones ;)
We use Bamboozle-alikes and I don't need to buy bigger sized clothes although they are bulkier than disposables. I spoke to my nappy lady the other day and asked her if there was a more slimline nappy. She said there was but you start lose absorbancy.
We're just about to go into size 2 nappies so that's a nice little £160 I've got to fork out :shock:
Charlotte has always had cloth nappies and she generally has a size of clothes below her age, even though she is long for her age. The clothe sizes are completely random - she is on the 91st percentile for her height but the 6-9 month coat I got was about 2 inches too long in the sleeve! Its trial and error I'm afraid, but the nappies don't make a big difference.
I was told about an online company called cut4cloth (i think) which specialises in baby clothes for cloth nappy wearers, dont know what they are like but hope thats helpful :D

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