Hi all,
So I'm completely new to this. I spend my life googling my symptoms and always end up on one of these forums! So I thought it would be good to post about myself and see if anyone else is going through the same!
Me and my husband have been trying now for nearly 2 years with no luck.
I had a lap last august which showed I have blocked left tube but patent right tube..
I also had endometriosis which they removed when the lap was done.
I've been backwards and forwards with the fertility team having tests done etc... I had my day 21 blood test done to show low progesterone which is obviously a sign of not ovulating so they have given me clomid 50mg to take for 4 months. I started this last Friday and took for 5 days, and have my scan next Thursday to check my eggs etc!
Has anyone else been in my situation? If so would love to know the outcome!!
Thank you xxxxx
So I'm completely new to this. I spend my life googling my symptoms and always end up on one of these forums! So I thought it would be good to post about myself and see if anyone else is going through the same!
Me and my husband have been trying now for nearly 2 years with no luck.
I had a lap last august which showed I have blocked left tube but patent right tube..
I also had endometriosis which they removed when the lap was done.
I've been backwards and forwards with the fertility team having tests done etc... I had my day 21 blood test done to show low progesterone which is obviously a sign of not ovulating so they have given me clomid 50mg to take for 4 months. I started this last Friday and took for 5 days, and have my scan next Thursday to check my eggs etc!
Has anyone else been in my situation? If so would love to know the outcome!!
Thank you xxxxx