Clomid for unexplained infertility?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2016
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Hello ladies!
So I met with my GYN to discuss infertility and she just prescribed me clomid. So far, everything has come back normal. It doesn’t look like I have endometriosis or PCOS and my boyfriend seems fine too. My periods are completely regular and I thought that I was ovulating as I get cramps around that time and just seems like I am by looking at my CM (tmi). So I’m skeptical about clomid if it seems like I’m already ovulating. Anyone else have normal cycles and healthy and clomid work for them? I’m 24 and healthy so I never thought it’d take my this long (15 months) Xx
I know it seems like a long time but I don’t think 15 months is that long to be trying really. It’s only 15 attempts. Some doctors won’t do any testing till 2yrs.

As for clomid, it can certainly strengthen your ovulation but you run the risk of over-stimulation, meaning you may start releasing more than one or two eggs.
Have you considered having acupuncture and/or Chinese herbs?
We tried for about 10 months before getting support, but we did have some serious complications which probably led to decreased hormone levels, although all results were at the bottom end of ok and my cycles were always regular. My cycle was then completely supported with clomid at the beginning, a HCG trigger shot and progesterone suppositories at the end and until 13 weeks once we conceived - which we did on the 4th cycle of that process. We obviously don't know whether or how long it would have taken us to conceive on our own - I suppose it just depends on how impatient you are :wink: xx
Clomid is sometimes used for people who ovulate as it can lead to a ‘stronger ovulation’ and it is considerably cheaper than all other treatments.

Be wary of overstimulation, I produced 7 eggs on my first round which was obviously too much and lead to us having to use other methods for ovulation induction.

Are you having scans to monitor your cycle on clomid?
Clomid is sometimes used for people who ovulate as it can lead to a ‘stronger ovulation’ and it is considerably cheaper than all other treatments.

Be wary of overstimulation, I produced 7 eggs on my first round which was obviously too much and lead to us having to use other methods for ovulation induction.

Are you having scans to monitor your cycle on clomid?
My doctor didn’t mention having scans or anything which later after reading about clomid has made me a bit weary about it now. I’ve never used an OPK before so I think I will just use one for this cycle and see how it goes. As for the egg count, without the scans I will obviously not know what will be happening with that which makes me nervous..
We tried for about 10 months before getting support, but we did have some serious complications which probably led to decreased hormone levels, although all results were at the bottom end of ok and my cycles were always regular. My cycle was then completely supported with clomid at the beginning, a HCG trigger shot and progesterone suppositories at the end and until 13 weeks once we conceived - which we did on the 4th cycle of that process. We obviously don't know whether or how long it would have taken us to conceive on our own - I suppose it just depends on how impatient you are :wink: xx
I guess it’s just been frustrating for me because 4 years ago, after a night of drinking I had intercourse with a guy for the first time and fell pregnant... I took plan B the next day but obviously it didn’t work. I ended up miscarrying a week later. Now that I’ve actually been trying and that it’s the right time I have been unable :( my SO is going to have some tests done as well to see how things are on his side of things especially since he’s never had a child. My doctor went ahead and prescribed the clomid for this cycle in the mean while. It’s a little scary not knowing yet what the reason for this infertility is and jumping right to the clomid but hopefully it works :-)
Just to add to this, I’m kind of hoping I’m pregnant this cycle and won’t have to start the clomid. Since CD 25 I have been lightly brown spotting mostly on when I wipe. This has gone on now til today CD 28 and today is when my period is due. Normally if I do have brown spotting it only last for a day and then turns pink right after but like I said it has only been brown spotting. The thing that makes me think I couldn’t be pregnant is that I have not had any cramping when normally I cramp a few days before my period comes. I’ve also had heavy breasts, very active stomach lol, and have felt pinches and shooting pains every now and then on the sides of my hips but no cramping. I’ve also had bad back pains that come and go and have been higher up on my back opposed to the normal lower back aches. I don’t know maybe I’m just symptom spotting but somewhat hopeful. Ugh we will see.
I guess it’s just been frustrating for me because 4 years ago, after a night of drinking I had intercourse with a guy for the first time and fell pregnant... I took plan B the next day but obviously it didn’t work. I ended up miscarrying a week later. Now that I’ve actually been trying and that it’s the right time I have been unable :( my SO is going to have some tests done as well to see how things are on his side of things especially since he’s never had a child. My doctor went ahead and prescribed the clomid for this cycle in the mean while. It’s a little scary not knowing yet what the reason for this infertility is and jumping right to the clomid but hopefully it works :)

I’m very surprised that you are being prescribed clomid if they haven’t even done a sperm analysis on your OH.
My doctor didn’t mention having scans or anything which later after reading about clomid has made me a bit weary about it now. I’ve never used an OPK before so I think I will just use one for this cycle and see how it goes. As for the egg count, without the scans I will obviously not know what will be happening with that which makes me nervous..
I think I would push for the scans. I didn’t have any on clomid to begin with but that was because I didn’t ovulate on my own. If you’re ovulating on your own I think it’s important to keep a good check on how your cycles are progressing.
I find it very strange also that you have been prescribed clomid before they have even done any tests on your OH.
I would push for a SA for your OH and then go from there. If you are ovulating on your own they shouldn't really prescribe you that until they are sure they have done all the relevant tests.
sorry to jump on your thread :)
ive been ttc for 18 months so similar time frame to you.
i also find it weird you've been given clomid with no tests on your OH?
i also tend to find that doctors here (uk) are more inclined to test the women before the man, i think it can be a presumptuous of them to seemingly think its the women over the man.
i know of a few people getting tested for infertility (including myself in this) 3/4 come back with male infertility 1/4 unexplained.
I also find it very surprising that you're being prescribed clomid without testing your OH. I would be pushing for that first.

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