Clomid finally worked, but is it making more eggs 6DPO????


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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Hey guys - do I sound loopy?

How are you all doing? I have just got back from holiday where we decided to take clomid while we were there. It had previously failed for me, but for some reason, whilst on holiday it worked.

I took 75mg this time. Only 50 before when it failed. And this time I am also on metformin twice a day.

So I have a question. I ovulated a few days ago (day 15 WOW, its normally not until day 46!!) but since then I have had EWCM every day.

So, could i still be ovulating more than one egg? I have never had this before. worried that I should still be BDing but partner is now away? I know I have at least ovulated once because my temps rose and my breasts got tender literally the day after ovulation, just slightly and now severe.

Has anyone ovulated more than once with clomid or know how it works?

Do you think thats whats happening to me?

x x x
Hiya Lara :)

I wouldn't worry about your EWCM. During ovulation it is required in your cervix, not in your vagina (or knickers), so for it to be more visible to you now doesn't mean anything - it could just be your body clearing out the mucus that it doesn't need anymore.

Also, if you don't normally ovulate then you don't really have a sense of what normal is for you.

I'd completely ignore any physical symptoms of hormonal changes like the breast tenderness as an indication of anything.

If you know how to chart your temperature, then fine, but again you don't know what is normal for you when ovulating so to be sure i'd advise using OPKs in future because only a LH surge will accompany OV whereas many things could cause a temperature rise.

Good luck for your BFP xx
Hey Louise, i do ovulate but on long long cycles, I get all the symptoms, CM, pain everything, but very delayed. And I have been told that this means I am probably releasing sub-standard eggs naturally.

Hopefully clomid gave me a good egg and better progesterone release hence the sore boobs straight away. One thing is for sure that with sore boobs I at least ovulated one egg, so if I have missed anything subsequently then at least we BD'd at the weekend. Its interesting what you say about the CM, it just feels like I am still ovulating.

I can't imagine I would be releasing more eggs six days after the first one though, dont know much about multiple ovulation though. When girls release more than one egg does it happen at the same time or are there multiple LH surges?? x
Yeah I thOught it must be all at once. Thanks!! X
No I only knew afterwards when I got my temp rise - and rise was consistent so pretty sure of ovulation day. Got my normal half a degree shift which always happens 2 days after ov x

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