Clexane in pregnancy


Jul 10, 2006
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I wonder if anyone can give me some info?

I am 15 weeks pregnant and I have just got out of hospital being diagnosed with a blood clot that goes from half way up my thigh and finishes behind the baby (about 18 inches in length) and have been put on 50ml clexane injections twice a day.

Does anyone know what (if any) effects this will have on the baby? My midwife is ignoring my calls, my GP has said i am the only case of this severity he has seen in 20 years so he honestly doesnt know but has made a guess that the baby will be premature, is this true? I kept asking the consultants while i was in the hospital but none of them gave me an answer, they just spoke over me as if i wasnt even in the room :x has anyone else had a similar experience? I have searched the net and all i have come up with so far is info on breast feeding and that in itself is a mine field lol some say yes i can and others say no i cant.

This is my fourth (and last) pregnancy and i have never ever had any problems with the others which confused my poor GP even more. My mum always taught me if im to do anything then im to do it properly and boy did i do this one properly lol.

Thank you in advance if anyone has any info that i havent been able to find as yet.

Hi Sally sorry to hear about you condition I dont know anything about it, but I was thinking if it would harm your baby then im sure they would have had you sign a disclaimer before having the treatment, If they gave you medication that could harm the baby in any way they would be held liable for it, have u looked the medication up on the internet, there might be a list of contra indications on there if u cant get enough information from your GP XkelX
thanks kel, i did all the google searches and the only research that has been done (as far as i can find) is on low dosage clexane, these have all proved to have no effects at all on the baby so hopefully it will be the same for a high dose.

they didnt get me to sign anything so that must be a good sign too then.

i have managed to get a clinic appointment for friday so hopefully i should get some more definate answers then.

thanks again :D
hi Sally

I work in the haematology department which deals with the anticoagulant clinic.

I asked the anticoagulant nurse, and she says that they only give a Clexane (and theres another one beginning with 'T') to pregnant women. She said she cant comment on your care as every case is different. You will have to be monitored very carefully throughout your pregnancy. There have been no cases that she is aware of of complications with babies, but it is a limited survey.

hope that helps.

thank you for that it has really helped to put my mind at rest :D i dont mind going through the treatment or anything its just not being able to get anyone to give me a straight answer that was getting to me.

i have an appointment at the clinic on friday so hopefully they will shed some more light on it then too.

thanks again :D

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