clexane/Heprin users?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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Hello i have another question about my injections.

I now cannot inject them into my tummy flab as the liquid wont go in. I had to do half in one side of my tummy and with another injection half in the otherside, Is this ok to do?

Also i think my legs are to veiny to do the injections in so any other suggestions as to where i can do them would be great.

Thanks :)
cant you ask the anticoagulation nurse hun.

I used to work in the haematology department in a hospital. i will email my mate and ask for you hun.

Thanks Davina.

I managed after 6 attempts to speak to someone at the hospital and they asked me to go in, they have said i must at least try to do it in my leg and then keep swapping between my legs and my stomach, I have to call them back tomorrow if i have any problems.
Hi this is the reply from the anticoagulation nurse at the hospital where i used to work, hope this helps.

"She would be injecting clexane the needle very small and should go into her tummy other places are top of legs and top of arms. She should contact who ever put her on it if she is having trouble."
Thank you for asking for me.

I have tried it in my legs last night and this morning and it seems ok so i will stick with that and alternating with my belly occasionally.

Thanks again :D
hi flame only just seen this sorry hun :hug: ive been on clexane since 6 wks am now 26 wks and ive too noticed its getting more difficult apparently the tisue can get a bit tough from the daily injections ive been told to do it in top of arm and top of leg if i want to but i find my arm impossible to do and as my bump is getting so big now i cant comfortably do it in my leg either
i find if im half way through a jab and the rest wont go in if i just pull the needle out a tiny bit the rest usually goes in good luck hun hope you find a way that suits you xxxxxxxxxx
im so sorry to hyjack this thread but hello rach. ive not heard from you for ages. Hope you are ok and pregnancy progressing ok. Did you find uot what you're having?
Hi Rach, the nurse/midwifey woman told me to try the pulling the needle out a tiny bit the next time i try my tummy. My leg is a bit harder to put it into cause its muscle and not much flab so i had to put the needle in two differant places tonight but its going ok so far. Will try my belly again in a few days.

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