Clever baby?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Jaycee was 2 on 23rd June but she can count pennies up to 5 and 6.. shes getting more clever everyday! She knows how to work my DVD/VCR when my OH cant, she knows how to shut down my laptop (to my annoyance!!) and she can click on pics on the computer with the mouse...???? She always clicks thru my photo albums lol!!
If she sees something done once, she will do it perfectly, ie:she smokes with her chalk between her fingers!! (not good!!) and she puts me to bed like i do her! gets me a pillow, and a cover and kisses me goodnight says 'i love you mummy! nit nite!' and leaves the room shutting the door behind her!! So cute!! She copies sentances to a T!! Something silly like ''I saw a nice bag at the market'' to my mum and she comes out with it!!
I love this kid so much she is so funny!! she dances to my music too!! Hilarious! :rotfl:
awwwww that is so cute i think she will be top of the class when she goes to school

:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:

well done jaycee :clap: :clap: :hug:
Wow that is really good
Well done Mum and well done Jaycee you clever clever girl :dance:
We've all still got it to come! How exciting - she sounds lovely and a bag of laughs! Enjoy all her tricks! :D

Emilia xx
i know what you mean, my ella is 2 on the 15th sept and can count to ten, get half way through the slphabet, talk on the phone to her friend keira like its me talking to her mum zoe, she talks like a mini adult, where did my baby go
Ah bless. My lil man was 2 on the 23rd June too! He's definitely a bright spark as well. He has always loved books which I think has helped it and also can say the whole alphabet (although think this is from hearing it as a song on Sesame St) and can count to 15. He tells me off if I call a kitten a cat or a puppy a dog, too. Oh no hope he's not going to be one of those obnoxious little children!!

However, for some reason I simply cannot get him to grasp the concept of colours - he knows the names but REALLY doesn't get it. Oh well, I know it doesn't actually matter. Such a cute stage he's at at the moment love how he talks and what he says.

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