ClearBlue Digital Ovulation Sticks - when to DTD?


New Member
Sep 29, 2017
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Hi everybody.
This is my second month using the ClearBlue digital ovulation smiley sticks and although I have thoroughly read the instructions and scoured the internet extensively I can't seem to find a clear answer to my question!
My partner works away and comes home on leave for 4 day periods.* He is trying to plan his leave for the days I ovulate and using the sticks I have tried to work out when is best.
Because he can't be here for long we only have a few nights in a row that we can TTC.
So far we have DTD on the final night of a flashing smiley and the two nights of a solid smiley but both times it has ended with BFN.
Therefore I am wondering if we are doing it at the wrong time.
Would it be better to DTD on the solid smiley days and the one after the smiley has gone?* Or to DTD on the flashing days but not the solid days?* Or maybe DTD on the second solid smiley day and the two days after when the smile has gone?
I would really appreciate some help with this.* The instructions say peak fertility on the smiley days but does that mean I am ovulating them or is it just that the LH is raised and I will ovulate later?
Looking forward to some replies - and thank you!
I'm experimenting with this myself, so I'll tell you what I'm going to do lol and I'll let you know if it works. I plan to dtd on the day before a flashing smiley and carry on dancing until one day after. That way there should be enough sperm to meet the egg and if it implants I'll get my bfp. If's back to the drawing board. Lol it's not an exact science more like gambling really, either your luck is in and you win or you lose and bet again. Frustrating.
Oh and you can ovulate anywhere from 24-72hrs after the first +OPK
Ladies, please remember that around 70% of conceptions fail to implant properly and there's only a 20% chance of conception each cycle, hence needi g to try for a year before doctors will do anything.

I use the clear blue opk's and conceived 3 cycles in a row but 2 were chemicals and ine was an early mc. I have no problem conceiving and in each cycle, dtd the day of or after a smiley face so the day of or before ovulation most probably. I do think it's important to have sperm waiting.

I also think it's really important not to put too much pressure on ourselves. Easier said than done I know.

Best of luck to you for your BFP's xx
I dtd on the second flashing smiley and second solid smiley. If it's a 4 day one, which it sounds like you are covered. A BFN doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong. The day after the last peak day you may already have ovulated.

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