Clearblue digital opk trouble using?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Has any1 every had any problems with the clearblue digital opks?

I've been using them since cd15 got a negative

CD16 2.30pm and 9.30pm got smilie faces.

But since cd17 i've been getting smilie faces in the day but not in the evening?!

I hold my pee, usually, for about 3 hours (i have a rubbish bladder!) Tonight i managed 4 and half hours but still got a negative. I'm hoping it stays negative, but i have a horrible feeling when i test tomorrow its gonna be positive again :roll:

Is this normal, does any1 else get readings like this from the digitals? Or am i on my own. I wish i had starting temping now, least i'd have had a better idea of whats going on.
I normally have a couple of days of smiley faces but thats normally it then back to just circles so i cant really say why you would keep getting smiley ones. sorry i havent been much help have i.

Fx for you hun. Keep bding lol.

Michelle. x
The only thing I thought of was that LH is synthesized in the morning which is why the tests advise not to use FMU?

Otherwise, I'm not sure hun, sorry I can't be of more help. x x
Make sure your not testing in the morning. Test late afteroon or early evening. A side effect of pcos is continual + opks. But its more likely that u r having a sustained Lh hormone surge. Its nornal for it too last a few days.

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