Clear Blue Digital


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2008
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Help - I took aclear blue test last wednesday was came up 2-3 weeks
I not able to see a doctor until friday.

Started to have a pink show yesturday no pain and only when I want to the loo and wiped.
Not heavy or anything or uncomfortable.
I was pretty calm really.

OH and I decided to take another test today and it came up 1-2 weeks!!!!
now totally not calm confused anyone else had anything like this.
Oh sweetie, you must be very worried. Sometimes hormone levels fluctuate during the day, so it might be that you happened to test the second time when they were lower, or when you'd drunk more, the conception indicator has an 8% inaccuracy rate, and that's with the first urine of the day, so nearly 1 in 10 women are going to get an inaccurate or worrying result.

I took a first response pregnancy test at 8 weeks which came up negative, I had an emergency scan but everything was fine, so the tests aren't infallible.

If you are very worried and can't wait until Friday, perhaps you could phone your doctor tomorrow and get a telephone appointment. If you estimate from your LMP that you should be 6 weeks or over, the doctor could refer you over the phone to you local EPU for a scan or blood tests, to see what is happening. If you are under 6 weeks, the doctor might be able to arrange for you to go in and have a blood test to check your Hcg levels.

But remember! That conception indicator is wrong for nearly one in ten women, you may just well be unfortunate and have had all that worry for nothing.

I'll be thinking of you, hope everything is okay.

EDIT: I've just found this on the clearblue website:

The overall accuracy of the Clearblue Conception Indicator has been clinically proven to be 92%. The accuracy of the Clearblue Conception Indicator is 96.5% in the 1-2 week range, 76.1% in the 2-3 week range and 96.9% in the 3+ weeks range.

So if it was 2-3 weeks to start with, it's only 76.1% accurate. That's not very accurate at all.
I took a clear blue digi about when I took all my other tests and it came up negative. I waited a few days and then took three tests that my midwife friend gave me and they all came up positive. So I don't really have much faith in those tests. x
I can understand your worry sweetie. However, those clear blue digital ones that tell you how far along you are are notoriously crap at giving a proper reading.

Spotting is very common in early pregnancy and the vast majority of women go on to have healthy pregnancies but as niblet says, if you're really worried get your gp to refer you to the epu to check all is well. Are you still spotting hun?

xx :hug:
the clear blue digital one gave a not pregnant reading for me in the morning when 3 other brands (traditional line ones) came up with a pregnant result so i dont hold much faith in them either.
try not to worry and good luck for the doctors.
i am sorry i dont mean to scare you but when that happened to me i was miscarrying. BUT it might not be that in your case as wee can be more diluted or less diluted etc. best to get ur GP to refer u to EPU where they can do 48-hour blood tests- these are more accurate at the levels and will tell u whats happening. good luck :hug:

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