Claireyfairey Labour Thread - Update she's here!

congratulations hun!! :cheer: :cheer:

can't wait to see some pictures :D
Congratulations :cheer: and with only gas and air! Well done Clairey and congrats on your little girl!

Sarah x
ooooh congratulations!!! :dance: cant wait to see the baby!

well done on just gas and air!!
MagicMarkers said:
Awww im a dozey old mare i didnt even look to see if there was already a clairey thread anyways hun big fat congratulations !!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Cant wait to see the lil lady !

lol, I couldn't work out whether you'd posted your thread first :D
YAY congratulations!!! Cant wait to see her!! :hug:
:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
Look forward to hearing all about it and seeing you r beautiful baby :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee :cheer: Big congrats hun :hug: Cant wait to see the little beauty :)
WOO HOO!!! Congratulations on your baby daughter Claire!!! You friggin' trooper! Gas & air is brilliant babe!!

You've done soooo amazingly well. Can't wait to see you over in the Parenting sections :D :cheer: xxx
Ello, this is Claire's other half Will. She asked me earlier to give you an update; Sorry this is so late, I've just got in from "wetting the babys head" (having a couple of post labour beers with family?)

Anyway, Claire gave birth today at about 16:20 to a beautifle 7lb 7oz girl as yet unnamed :/

I'd like to take this oppertunity to thank each and every individual who spent time on this forum to support each other (and Claire); I know first hand that it has meant a LOT to her over the past nine months. I'm sure she'll update you all properly tomrrow ;)


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