Christmas wishes for those no longer with us..


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I can't let this time of year go by without mentioning my parents and know others who have lost people they love too....

To my Mam,

Not a single day goes by without thinking of you , I miss you more than anything in the world and when Christmas comes it just magnifies everything. I think of all those Christmas mornings growing up and all the memories you created for me. I will love you for all of eternity, I hope wherever you are you have a merry Christmas and watch over Jack as he opens his presents. I will never stop telling him about his beautiful Nana and how wonderful she was :hug: :hug: :hug:

To my Dad,

No matter what happened in life you will always be my dad and I will always be your daughter.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG you have just made me cry - what a lovely tribute.

I'm very blessed to still have my parents and grandparents and am looking forward to spending christmas with them.

I will be thinking of the little one we lost last month - my parents have had a little angel christmas decoration made with 'I'm a star' on it so that we can remember. It will be difficult, but we have Twinkle to take care of now so that might make it a little easier.

Sending you all my love for a wonderful christmas hun :hug:
Missing you more every year you're not here Nan, think of you and miss you so much, every day. I love you and you are so precious.
To my Dad and Grandad miss you both loads thinking of you both even more so now Brody is here and number 2 is on the way knowing that you will never meet our 2 boys but i know you are watching over us all love you always xxxx :hug: :hug:

Great idea Sweetcheeks :hug: :hug:
Aww hun that was lovely :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope you have a great Christmas hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

MERRY CHRISTMAS SWEETIE :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
To Stu....
You were the best friend that I turned to when you were alive and that I still do now you are no longer with me... there isn't a day that goes by that I dont think about and miss you so so much. Thank you for our memories and friendship while you were alive. I know your with us cause you are always in our hearts!! happy christmas my darling angel :hug: " u lit up our lives, now u light up the skies"

to my nanna and auntie...
christmas dinner isn't the same without you both. Nanna I still smile when I watch the queens speech as I know how much it meant to you! Auntie I miss you trying to feed me your left over christmas lunch so you wouldnt get wrong off of my mam for not eating enough. so many good memories!!

you are always in my thoughts my angels until we meet again xxx

"those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday. unseen, unheard but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear."
To my Gramps, still missing you after all these years. I wish you had been here to see me get married and to meet my wee girl but I know you are looking down on us every day. Merry Christmas xxx

Great idea sweetcheeks, Merry Christmas to you all :hug:
To my lovely, gorgeous, fabulous Mum... I miss you more and more each and everyday. I so wish you were still with me and could see all the wonderful things that I have done the last 6 and a half years, my house, my husband, my daughter who is a double of your baby pics - you would love her so so much.... she has the Welsh dimples like her Mummy and Grandma :). I am still continuing some of the traditions you did at christmas, Arianna giggles like I used to when you used to throw the contents of the Quality Street tin up in the air so it was like the advert - raining sweeties :) You would be so proud of her, she doesnt fail to make people smile.
I love you hundreds, thousands, millions, trillions and billions.

I know you watch over us all, but still wish I could have just one more cuddle, or one last dance to our song

I'll be to see you on Christmas Day, Love always
To Mum,
Wish you were here to meet your Grandchildren but we know the brightest star is always you watching over us. Miss you and hope my kids have made you proud.

Daph and Fred,
I know Chris misses you, esp this time of year, but you'd be proud of him he's a fab dad and you've got some gorgeous Grandkids now.

David never knew you but thinks about you often. He knows who you are now.

Sarah xxx
My thoughts are with my Mum today and every day and especially on days like Xmas Day.

We visit her grave and decorate it with lovely pillows of flowers, an Xmas wreath, a small Xmas tree and a Santa Hat.
Melanie - I love, miss and need you. I wish you were here this Christmas so we could have a giggle about something or other. I will be there to see you on Christmas Day. You were the brightest, prettiest and sweetest sister in the world and I will never, ever forget you. I class myself lucky to have known you xxx

My Nan, my Uncle Tim and my Grandad Wally - Miss you forever, love you always :hug:
Nanna - I miss you like mad, I wish u were here to spend christmas with us and with ur great grandson but I know ur watchin over us and keepin us safe. Will never ever forget u or stop loving u, our beautiful angel :angel: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Granny - U went so soon, I couldnt apologise for the past 2yrs :( but please know that I am so sorry and I love u so much, we miss you and hope ur havin a lovely time with Grandad xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Helen and Anne Marie - Hope u gals are behavin urselves up there and keepin ur families safe, miss u both but we know ur in a better place :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Dean - Watch over ur mum, dad and bro and us, ur missed loads xxx

Writin that made me cry :cry:
For Bailey x

Daddy's little charmer, Mummy's smiler too
Oh Bailey you are so loved and we both are missing you
The days are sad and lonely without you by my side
But I guess you already know that and have seen the tears I've cried
For you I'm trying to be strong, somehow each day I cope
But Bailey sometimes its really hard, when theres not any hope
Christmas is round the corner, but the tree is dull and bare
I cannot put my heart in it, because you are not there There's no present underneath it, cause its hard for me to do
I looked and searched and could not find a present fit for you
Bt tonightI looked up to the sky and saw the brightest star
And I knew you had the greatest gift cause my heart is where you are My tree will be so beautiful for every one to see,
The lights and tinsel are for them but the star on top is just for me
Bailey I will look at it and think of you my son
Cause you are the spirit of Christmas and the reason I go on
So I will raise a glass of wine and hold my head up high
And say this Christmas is special, cause if for my son up in the sky
The son who can't be here with my but never goes away
So Darling Bailey, make me smile my love, and have a great Christmas day


It's that special sharing time again
When families gather near
A time to love and celebrate
This special time of year

And while we're looking forward
To the merriment we'll share
We know there's someone missing
So we say a little prayer

For even though your body left
We see you every day
You're all around us, taking care
And showing us the way

In life you were our tower of strength
You took away our pain
And now you're gone, this special time
Can never be the same

Are you watching over us?
Do you share in our delight?
As your loved ones open up their gifts
This special, silent night

So even though we're smiling now
Our faces full of pride
There remains an empty space,
So we hide the pain inside

But you wouldn't want us to be sad
We sense your presence near
So we raise a glass to you today
A person held so dear

And so your star will shine it's light
So bright and clear above
Whilst we remember you this day
And send you all our love
to my great grandparents, i know we've been apart for what feels like many years now, but i still think of you every day, especially christmas. Grandad with your thick, jam jar glasses and your brown coffee cup, always up for a laugh and joke, grandma always trying to keep him in shape :) i wish you could have met my husband and my two beautiful children, i know you were very fond of children. We show them pictures of you both. Wish you could've been here through the hard times this year. Miss you always, see you soon xx
To Nanny

Christmas doesn't feel quite right without you.
I'm sad that you didn't get to meet Faith but I know you're up there looking out for us.

Love you x
To nan, youve only been gone for just over 3 weeks now but it seems like years to us. You were a massive part of all our lives and we'll all be thinking of you this christmas - your favourite time of year. :hug: Where ever you are i hope your watching out for us all, your always in our thoughts :hug: :hug: :hug:
To Grandma and Grandad.
Its been 16 years tomorrow sincce you passed away Grandma 15 and a half for you grandad. I dont remember that xmas, but i do remember the tricks we used to get up to. How you taught me how to cheat at snakes and ladders Grandma, and how you used to sit with me and read the comic strips out of the papers to me Grandad. Grandad we never did get away with the swapping a fruit pastel for a bit of kipper without Grandma knowing did we? hehe was worth the risk though.
I really wish we got to spend longer than the 4 short years together. We still talk about you and i think about you both all the time. I know you will be looking after my children now, your great grandchildren. Hope you had a nice birthday yesterday Grandma.
Will love you both forever you were both taken too quick :cry: :cry:

My Grandma Malpass.
Your last years were terrible for us all. We had to watch as the evil took you from us and left us with an empty shell. i hope you are finally at peace with uncle peter and grandad.

Angel And Bean
Not a day goes by when i dont think about you both. Last year was hard without you Angel, but i had daddy to keep me going. This year i have neither you or Bean and daddy is ill too. Help me keep strong for daddy please darlings.
Hope you are both being good for Great Grandma and Great Grandad, but im sure they will be letting you get away with anything :lol: . I miss you both terribly. If i could have you both here i would in a heart beat.
You are always with me and ill never let go of that.
I love you with all my heart and soul darlings. Forever your Mummy xxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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