

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i had the meeting with the vicar today and i am having B christened on the 7 may :D

i was just wondering wot people did after ward if they had there child christening?
wot there child wore?
how much it cost?
how many people were invited?
thanks for your help
Hey sorry I cant really help as iv not arranged christening yet, iv got a question though, I want ella's christening at the end of april, how soon in advance do you have to start planning the christening? I haven't got a clue is it too late, should I speak to the vicar now? I dont even know how 2 get in touch with him or anything, sounds stupid I know but I dont know how 2 go about it and as neither me or my sister were christened my mum doesnt know either x x
if u want ella christened u will probably have to be christened i have to be - i could have had B next month if i wanted but i aint good at organising i suggest ringing your local church and speaking to them thats wot i did
OH is christened so im hoping she can be christened without me having to be, otherwise I might have to be. ill maybe start to make arrangements next weeks.
As for the reception after the christening im not sure what to do because you dont really know how many ppl there are going to be, so I dont want a room too big that will be empty or a room too small that will be full! But I work in a pub/restaurant and may have a word with my boss about having it there as Ill only have 2 pay for the buffet then and not for the room.
I want Ella to wear a christening dress for the service and for the reception aswell i wont change her, might aswell get the wear out of it for the day, my friends mum made her daughters dress and it was lovely i might ask her to do Ella's x x
all churches have different beliefs if u get wot i mean some have to have both parents christened and 1 confirmed some both christened and confirmed some just christened and some 1 parent

the church i am having B christened in is a both parents christened and all god parents christened
ill have 2 try loads of churches then lol untill i find one where only 1 parent has 2 be christened. All of our god parents have been christened , I wanted my sister but as she hasnt been christened then she cant, unless its a lieniant(sp?) church
Normally you don't have to pay for the Christening but you are expected to make a 'donation' to the church. How much that is, is entirely up to you based on your circumstances.
My OH is christened but im not, so me and alana are being christened together, were hoping to be having it done in spring time.

as for reception we will hire out a hall as we will have over 100 people going.

the cost of it all, is cheap if your careful, like telling the family to make buffet food and getting a hall with a bar so people pay for own drinks, and church just needs a donation. and the cost of the christening dress.
my first born was christened, but only because I thought he had to be! My husband and I do not go to church and believe in a variety of religions, so hubby was not keen to make a promise we couldn't keep.... to bring our child up in God's house and with His values. As a result, my second child wasn't christened. Now we're planning a "Naming Ceremony" for her and Oscar. I read that in the UK, the local authority (council) has someone appointed that does the naming ceremonies. I think it's a lovely way to celebrate your childs' birth, their name and the promises you make to them about how you'll love, teach and guide them in the future.

I don't really see the point of Christenings anymore, because not many of us go to church or few kids are sent to sunday school.
Sorry for being too opinionated, mabe???
Emilia xx
Emilia I think that is a nice idea, I am not christened myself and me nor my partner attend church. Paradyyso I thought about getting christened with Ella but then I was told that you have to go to classes or something and learn about the religion and you have to attend church ect which I dont really want to do, are you doing this? I think I would be a bit embarassed aswell, do they have 2 put the water on your head like they do with babies?
We have talked about getting Charlie christened, OH is not fussed about it though and was never christened himself where as I was. The naming ceremony sounds really lovely, is it easy to arrange? Would you still have godparents?
We had twenty five people at naomi's christening - family, brothers and sisters and children of brothers and sisters only. We came back to our house and had food catered - which cost us two hundred and fifty euro. BUT I'd also had the cleaning lady in beforehand as I wasn't able to get the house together myself, that was another forty euro. So with her robe ( a tiny simple cotton one because she was too small for a huge elaborate one) and her new blanket, Naomi's christening cost about €350 all told. I don't know what that is in sterling, but a great day was had by all and we thought we got away fairly lightly.

Planning our "naming ceremony" in the garden of a lovely historic landmark in our town. Will just be cake and tea or a light meal. Nothing OTT!
Emilia xx

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