chosing school/nursery

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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:s this seems well wrong!! she's still a baba! how do you go about chosing schools and nurseries? i know the ones i defo dont want her going to, but how do you know which of the others are the best etc? there's 2 proper close to me, one of which i dont mind her going to nursery at, but not school, the other she's going nowhere near :oooo:

god it was all simple when i was with FOB, we lived right round the corner from a dead nice school!
they normally give you the 1 that is nearest to you if you requested 1 out of area then they will give priority to those in the surrounding area 1st
I know what you mean hun, I am in your area so I know the difficulty! I got Grace into Hollywood Park Combined Nursery Centre and I have to be honest it is fabulous. The staff are amazing and it is actually one of the best nurseries in the country. Ofsted rated outstanding in all areas. Grace is very happy there, although it is only a nursery school I wanted her to have a good start. Schools wise I have chosen Cheadle Catholic Infant School, Cheadle Heath Primary School an Norris Bank Primary as the 3 options. I think she will probably get second choice which I'm not totally happy with but still seems to be a good school. Lark Hill and Our Lady's are absolute NO's for me!!
You have me worried about Cheadle Heath Primary now! Is it really bad? i expect there is a good mix of kids going there, but as long as the teaching is good then that's my main concern. I have being thinking of sending her to private school. We went to see Stella Maris in Heaton Mersey and it's lovely but expensive! If I was just having her and no more kids Id send her to Stockport Grammar but I want more kids!!
God larkhill's a definate no no for me too! I wouldn't mind her going to the nursery cos it is nice, but not the school! That said, I have seen 3 boys get another on the floor in there and kick te sh*t out of him :shock: I think I'm just put off cheadle Heath primary xos I know people who's kids go there :lol: was reading thru all their ofsteds last night and there are just a few things that put me off :blush: but I have been thinking cheadle primary, my friends boy goes there and it seems really nice! Do you know anything of meadowbank? I was considering that as well!
It weird isn't it.
I have AJ's name down for 2 local nurseries. Had his name down since before he was 1.
I have one school definite in the area, just along the street. And one a short bus ride away. I went through the Ofstead reports and did it that way. Will have another look through for schools in the area closer to the time too.
I've heard good things about meadowbank but tbh I didnt think she would have a chance of getting in there at all. I am cacking it as I have sent of her application and we find out in March! I really hope she gets her first choice!!
my mum's neighbours go to cheadle catholic and its really good! fingers crossed for you! i'm looking to move by the end of the year anyway so if i can find a decent school i'll move into the area! i'm dead confused about when to apply too! cos they start the term after they're 3 dont they? but all the applications say for places from september! agh my baby's too small for all this!!
Grace started at HPark in September and she had just turned 3 on the 10th August! She was so little in her uniform, just too cute. She has come on so much going there and they were fab when we lost Ethan. They also are very flexible and have a breakfast club and extended day club. Poor Grace goes to both, I am a mean mummy! They get to play and are fed so it's worth it for me - I can drop her from 8am and collect by 5pm so it's great with working long days. Other nurseries dont seem to provide this.
my mum's neighbours go to cheadle catholic and its really good! fingers crossed for you! i'm looking to move by the end of the year anyway so if i can find a decent school i'll move into the area! i'm dead confused about when to apply too! cos they start the term after they're 3 dont they? but all the applications say for places from september! agh my baby's too small for all this!!

Dunno if it's different in Salford but there they start nursery the September after they are 3. So if that's the case there then she won't be going until a year in September and not January iykwim? x
ohhhh i got told it was from the term after they were 3! oh god, i was looking forward to getting rid of her from january! off to google!
Just checked the website and you're right - Stockport council says the term after their 3rd birthday. I'm sure Salford is different. I'd better check! x
Just checked and Salford is the September. Looks like i'll be stuck with Charlie a lot longer. Bugger. Could have had an excuse for early TTC then! x
Ooh. So why does salford website say the september?! *******s! That's interesting though. Hmm. see if I can persuade GAvin that if C's in nursery from the April then we might as well TTC in the NY! pmsl x
i reckon you can defo persuade him! i just had a look and saw from sept too! but i'm sure H's mr T started this jan and he's a novmeber birthday!
i reckon you can defo persuade him! i just had a look and saw from sept too! but i'm sure H's mr T started this jan and he's a novmeber birthday!

I'll have to do some ringing round I think and find out for def x

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