Chosen for a idea for a girl lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Ok so we have Albert Charles Lay after both our grandads....Bertie or Albie for short. (I prefer Bertie)

We have agreed to have Carol as a middle name for a girl after my OH's mum who died 14 years ago. Maybe Eileen too after my mum but need to talk to her first as she doesn't like it. But for first names we are stuck.
I love love love the names Matilda and Maggie....just need OH to help a bit lol. I know with girls if they get married their surname changes obviously but have to think about her school years so anything that can make a word with Lay is out of the question ie S.Lay, P.Lay, O.Lay, D.Lay, me pleeeeease! xxxxxxxxx
How about something beginning with A like you have for the boys name?

Alison/Allegra for example would be quite clever because with a nickname of Allie, it would still sound out the same as A Lay. A little play on name!
I love loads of name beginning with A, Aisling, Ailish etc but oh's name begins with A and he got crap at school for it for some reason and has banned those names :(. Dunno why I couldn't have fallen in love with someone called Smith lol xxxxxxxxxxx

(he seems to be far more worried about a daughter than a son getting hassle at school)
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i must admit both me and my little brother have very uncommon names (for where we live) i'm Rhiannon and he's Elric :) unfortunately we both suffered from bullying at school, but he didn't have any problems with his name, except pronunciation, where as i got a lot of horrid things said about my name, even all the way into secondary school! THOUGH i do think unusual names are a lot more excepted these days as we have become so much more multicultural!

what about names beginning with T???
i quite like the top few :)
:) thank you xxxxxxxxxxx will have a further discussion with him later
If you like Bertie then what about Bessie , it's my nans name
Bessie is lovely but friends of ours have just had a inconsiderate rofl xxxxxxxxxx
Bessie is lovely but friends of ours have just had a inconsiderate rofl xxxxxxxxxx

Oh that's not very fair! humphhh:wall2:

What about Alberta for a girl? (like the Canadian one), really unusual

Or Alana or Annabelle maybee :lol:

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