

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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Please tell me it's not just me but I seemed to have developed a chocolate addiction!!! :shock:
I just constantly crave chocolate in any form! I presume that it's just the sugar rush my body is after (quick fix). I fear though that if I keep this up I'll end up being bigger than I was when I was 9 months preggers! :rotfl:
I need help!!!!!!!!!
dont have it in the house. convince yourself it is the devil. :rotfl:
I am glad its not just me! Ever since having Isabelle i've been addicted to the stuff! The weight loss was not happening really until last week when I discovered a cure........

Everytime i want chocolate now I just have an Options Belgium hot chocolate as its only 40 calories and 1.1g of fat! (no, I don't work for them!) They are really nice and it works as i've lost 3lb this week and i've got my period (Sorry TMI!) so i've probably actually lost more as am really bloated!

Tan x
yum, chocolate! i ate two big bars over the weekend! one was meant to be for my friend! we both blame the breast feeding! because the milk is sweet it takes all our sugur!!!! we burn 500 caleries aday! i eat 5000!

oliver on my knee so one handed tpying!
Oh good I'm not the only one then! I'm really trying to cut it out, I thought the craving would stop after pregnancy too! I bought some low fat chocolate icecream instead, one portion is about 120 calories and if I want it I am making myslef have a fruit sald with it! The funny thing is because the choc is icecream form I can't be bothered with the hassel of getting it out of the freezer to soften! How lazy is that :rotfl: I agree low fat hot choc is a good alternative :)

I really need to start dieting, nothing drastic as I'm BF but I have a poorly LO and I just can't motivate myself to do anything :roll:
Well thank god for that then, only yesterday I pop to M&S and bought a box of their chocolate biscuits!!! I have tried to go without for a day and then allowing the next day, hoping to slowly build it up to where I only have choc on the weekends - fat chance I'm just to weak willed. I do try and go with Otis for long walks daily so that is sort of my saving grace. But I try I'm going to try the Options technique as well - once I've finished mi box of chocie biscuits! :twisted:

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