9 weeks ago today at 9.44 am My little Chloe-Rose was born. Here's our story.
Some might know already we lost a girl at 38 weeks so this has been an amazing journey for us. I really wanted a water birth and for it to happen naturally, however being overdue, it was eventually agreed that I would be induced as I was getting a little stressed. I had given it a few days and was examined and I was not looking favourable. Went in on the Thursday evening, Dh and I were so nervous and excited. Lo's heart rate was too high when monitored so they couldn't induce me. I was moved to a private room and Dh got sent home for the night. I hardly slept, heard a few screams lol and the next day we were moved back on the ward. I was a bit upset but understood they would need it. Just nice to have privacy, however we met a lovely couple that we are still in touch with.
The next day they inserted the first lot of gel in the morning. I was shaking with nerves, it was a strange reaction but I hate internals. Gas and air certainly helped.
Nothing was happening and spent the day chatting with our new friends on the ward. Next lot of gel was inserted in the evening. It must have been about 7 pm when contractions started, as it was when we had visitors. When they had gone, I got up to go to the loo and it was hard work, I felt it was definitely the start of things. I put on my tens machine and went into the lounge, a mw got me a ball, but I couldn't sit down. The pains were strong. Eventually got put into a private room. Time scales are a blur now, but I was given gas and air and Dh went home at 10 pm as they said it could be hours yet and we agreed it would be best if he got sleep. They said they would call him to come and we live only 15 mins away. They came in to see me and told me not to use gas and air butto use breathing techniques as I had a long way to go. Believe me, I'm no wimp, but the pain was 10 out of 10! She said they were just contractions from the gel and not real!!
I remember buzzing for diamorphne as the pain was absolutely terrific. It didn't even touch me and they called Dh.
It's all a blur but I remember someone coming in and I asked for an epidural. I don't know what order things happened in, but I was also examined and Lo had turned. I was taken to theatre, as they said if they couldn't turn with forceps, I would need a c section. I think I've got this right, but the epi didn't seem to work ( it also went wrong but I didn't find out until later). I was given a spinal block and after that someone said the next contradiction I would feel would be when I had my next child!!
I think I said something rather rude in jest 
After 3 big pushes, my girl was out, but she didn't cry.
I was so scared. I remember saying is she ok and they Sid the doctor would come and talk to us. It seemed ages but we finally heard a little cry. She had swallowed some poo in her waters and was struggling to breathe. Someone was counting up to ten and Dh whispered that they were counting her fingers and toes. When he looked up, they were counting swabs and instruments, which gave us a laugh.
My gorgeous girl was whisked passed us and taken straight away. No hold or cuddle or skin to skin for me.
I was taken to a ward and given a bed bath, was catheterised and given tea and toast, but sadly puked that up.
Was taken to another ward and was so exhausted, but it felt like I wasn't left alone for a minute all day. The anethetist came to see me and explained my epi had gone wrong, he was really upset and said it had never happened in all his career and that I would have a really bad headache in the next day or so. As if we hadn't been through enough! He was sweet though. I was feeing positive I wouldn't get it, but sadly did
As the day went on I got more and more desperate to see my girl and it was tough being on a ward full of babies.
Our families arrived after driving hundreds of miles and as there was only an hour visiting time they went up to see her before I did
I kicked up a fuss and they eventually wheeled me up on my bed full of apologies as by this time 8pm in the evening I was distraught. Apparently she was crying and when Dh got to her and spoke to her she immediately stopped, like she recognised his voice
it was wonderful to hold her.
I was then moved AGAIN to a private room and tried to sleep but at 10.30 was asked if I wanted to move to transitional care to be with her. I was sooo exhausted but of course I did, so off I went again lol I must admit, it was daunting and scary and I was so in need of sleep.
The girls on ward were lovely and so were the staff. We ended up staying a whole week, so saw lots of comings and goings. Had a few meltdowns due to the relentless routine and heat of the hospital, but genuinely can't thank everyone enough for their care.
I now have a healthy, happy, smiley baby who sleeps through the night, long may it continue!
We have decided not to go through it again, very happy to have had our two gorgeous girls!
Some might know already we lost a girl at 38 weeks so this has been an amazing journey for us. I really wanted a water birth and for it to happen naturally, however being overdue, it was eventually agreed that I would be induced as I was getting a little stressed. I had given it a few days and was examined and I was not looking favourable. Went in on the Thursday evening, Dh and I were so nervous and excited. Lo's heart rate was too high when monitored so they couldn't induce me. I was moved to a private room and Dh got sent home for the night. I hardly slept, heard a few screams lol and the next day we were moved back on the ward. I was a bit upset but understood they would need it. Just nice to have privacy, however we met a lovely couple that we are still in touch with.
The next day they inserted the first lot of gel in the morning. I was shaking with nerves, it was a strange reaction but I hate internals. Gas and air certainly helped.
Nothing was happening and spent the day chatting with our new friends on the ward. Next lot of gel was inserted in the evening. It must have been about 7 pm when contractions started, as it was when we had visitors. When they had gone, I got up to go to the loo and it was hard work, I felt it was definitely the start of things. I put on my tens machine and went into the lounge, a mw got me a ball, but I couldn't sit down. The pains were strong. Eventually got put into a private room. Time scales are a blur now, but I was given gas and air and Dh went home at 10 pm as they said it could be hours yet and we agreed it would be best if he got sleep. They said they would call him to come and we live only 15 mins away. They came in to see me and told me not to use gas and air butto use breathing techniques as I had a long way to go. Believe me, I'm no wimp, but the pain was 10 out of 10! She said they were just contractions from the gel and not real!!
I remember buzzing for diamorphne as the pain was absolutely terrific. It didn't even touch me and they called Dh.
It's all a blur but I remember someone coming in and I asked for an epidural. I don't know what order things happened in, but I was also examined and Lo had turned. I was taken to theatre, as they said if they couldn't turn with forceps, I would need a c section. I think I've got this right, but the epi didn't seem to work ( it also went wrong but I didn't find out until later). I was given a spinal block and after that someone said the next contradiction I would feel would be when I had my next child!!

After 3 big pushes, my girl was out, but she didn't cry.

My gorgeous girl was whisked passed us and taken straight away. No hold or cuddle or skin to skin for me.

I was taken to a ward and given a bed bath, was catheterised and given tea and toast, but sadly puked that up.
Was taken to another ward and was so exhausted, but it felt like I wasn't left alone for a minute all day. The anethetist came to see me and explained my epi had gone wrong, he was really upset and said it had never happened in all his career and that I would have a really bad headache in the next day or so. As if we hadn't been through enough! He was sweet though. I was feeing positive I wouldn't get it, but sadly did

As the day went on I got more and more desperate to see my girl and it was tough being on a ward full of babies.
Our families arrived after driving hundreds of miles and as there was only an hour visiting time they went up to see her before I did

I kicked up a fuss and they eventually wheeled me up on my bed full of apologies as by this time 8pm in the evening I was distraught. Apparently she was crying and when Dh got to her and spoke to her she immediately stopped, like she recognised his voice

I was then moved AGAIN to a private room and tried to sleep but at 10.30 was asked if I wanted to move to transitional care to be with her. I was sooo exhausted but of course I did, so off I went again lol I must admit, it was daunting and scary and I was so in need of sleep.
The girls on ward were lovely and so were the staff. We ended up staying a whole week, so saw lots of comings and goings. Had a few meltdowns due to the relentless routine and heat of the hospital, but genuinely can't thank everyone enough for their care.
I now have a healthy, happy, smiley baby who sleeps through the night, long may it continue!
We have decided not to go through it again, very happy to have had our two gorgeous girls!