Chinese Gender prediction

other ones have been right for me but not that one
I did this with rebecca and it was wrong for me, but its only a bit of harmless fun lol
Im confused at how you work out your chinese age?? Obvioulsly i know my birth year but what is your age year? and what time zone are we as it doesnt have GMT, sorry maybe a bit dumb here :doh: :doh:
Yeah whats your age year?
Think Im being a bit slow as well :think:
it's right with me and has been for the last 2 as well, can't do the first baby as i was only 17 when i conceived him!
:lol: :lol: well it was wrong with my daughter as she was ment to be a boy according to the chart bvut was a girl lol not sure about this one i think boy but sometiems i think girl lol we will see next week :D
I cant do it for Brooke as i was 16 when i concieved her and it doesn't start that early :oops:

According to that chart Olivia should have been a boy and this one should be a boy too, oh well only 5 weeks togo to see if its right lol
It worked right for me this time it said a girl and thats what im having!!!! :cheer: Cant remember with DS and DD though?. :think:
Says I am having and girl but positive its a boy!!!!!!!!!

According to that chart Im having a boy lol but shes definitely a girl xx

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