

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Ok, so I'm starting my search for childminders for when I go back to work and have found a couple with vacancies. One of them I really like and am gonna go visit her house soon, so just wanted to ask what I should look out for/ask.
I found this list online but as real mums you might have other things to add to it!

It's difficult with babies cos they can't exactly tell us they like it can they?!

Lizzie will be about 7 1/2 months when she starts going to a childminder, and it will be for two 6 hour shifts a week.
ok well i was going to send madison to a childminder BUT couldnt get one i was happy with ( i was dead against nurseries) but i found an amaaaaazing one... 12 kids to 5 adults and theyre fab with her :) soooo my advice dont rule anything out have a look at all and see how u feel....

questions , adult to child ratio??
how often bum changed??
im a psycho mum lol so i asked questions bout photos etc but thats up to you

Madison has a drawer in nursery now, with 2 spare changes of clothes a coat (optional) nappies wipes and cream and cup and spare dummy in so i dont need to bring anything for her BUT they were totally open to having a bag packed every day too, they send home a list of everything what time she got changed and poo/pee and what cream used , medicines, foods, sleeps lol and they tell me what she done in the day (e.g. painting, roleplay, dress up, playing outside, playdoh etc etc) theyre fab and have weaned her off her dummy in just 5 days so she only gets it for sleeptime.

Im going back to work on tuesday and was distraught about this but needs must i cant afford to stay home no more :/ but i am delighted and she is definitely going to benefit from Nursery!! Hope u get ur little one sorted!! xxdx
ive been to see my friends childminder, she is fab, but the other side of town to me and i dont think practically i can get her over there and me to work at 8.30.... so im going to look at a few more local ones, and this is what im planning to ask:

charge per hour?
hollidays - how many weeks per year do you take & paid or unpaid?
take out on visits? Cost to parent or included in hourly rate?
average daily meal?
what snacks/ if any will you provide?
what is a tipical day?
what time can i pick up / collect?
what things do you want me to provide?
nappies, wipes, nappy sacks, jars of food, car seat?
How many other children do you look after?
what way of communication do you have with parents?
What do you consider unacceptable behaviour, and how do you deal with it?
what would happen if Layla was to fall ill / injured in your care?

ive found both the childminders im going to look at on and its a fab website where you can advertise what u want ie hours and days, and you can look at childminders, might be worth a peek?

good luck hun

I'd ask about school pick ups too. Some do a lot which means your LO could be dragged around picking other kiddies up.

I'd ask about groups that they go to and you should ask for a info pack which should have policies on a lot of things you have mentioned also prices etc.

The normal ratio is 3:1 (LO's to childminder) under 5 and only 1 of these can be under 1. Although AJ's childminder has just been given permission to have 4 under 5 :)

Ask about food. Some childminders provide food and snacks for a small charge other you provide your own. AJ's childminder lets you chose, so some are packed lunch and others are meals at childminder. It can be a problem for us as AJ quite often wants what's in 'Child A's' packed lunch!
God there's so much to think about, thanks ladies!! I'm dreading this part of going back to work, I know I'm gonna be worrying about her the entire time!

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