

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Ive just put Jakes name down on the day nursery waiting list for when I return to work but half of me is thinking about using a private childminder. They are cheaper but if they dont have any other kids jakes age he might miss out on the social side of things.

Can anybody think of the pros and cons of both to help me decide? Or share your experiences etc...

Thanks xx
luke is starting with a childminder next week 1 day a week he has been for settling in periods on 2 occasions and he loved it.

he loves watching the other kids playing she tends to have luke who is 7 months, a 14month old a 2 year old and a 3 year old also her own 6 year old after and before school. i think with a childminder thay have more quality time as they have less kids to watch over, and can add that personal touch, i find also thay tend to be more flexible than a nursery about hours and times to drop and pick them up.

this is my opinion, i'm sure nursery also have many advantages just have no experience of them.
Hi Natalie,

We've got a childminder who lives in my village lined up already and I'm not planning to go back to work til July '08.

We really had no choice as our nearest nursery is in a town 6 miles away and we only have one car (meaning only OH could do the pick up - what if he was on a course or stuck at work etc - would also mean he couldn't do his current car sharing) and is also about £40 (give or take) per day, whereas the childminder is £3 per hour - so much much cheaper.

If I had lots of money, I would probably put my daughter in the nursery tbh, as I have some issues with my daughter developing a close 'mothering' relationship with another woman and another woman (sole carer, not lots of different workers like in a nursery) experiencing lots of my daughter's awake time and 'firsts' - but money is an issue so childminding it is! I have also reconciled the decision with the fact that I know that I will only be working part time so will be spending quality time with my daughter still.

My childminder has three children of her own and also looks after a number of different children on different days throughout the week - although they are older than my daughter, I know they will help her development. She will go to the village school nursery (childminder will take her there and back) when she is 3 and I know from my OH (nursery teacher) that this is a key time for social skills and many other skills to develop - so I am happy with this.

Hope this helps - let us know how you get on.

Valentine xxx
I also meant to say (gosh, I can go on!) that like rusks, I also like the flexibility of a childminder - she only charges a holding fee when OH is on holiday and will be looking after our daughter (he gets a lot of hols as he is a teacher) and is chilled out about the odd 10 mins here and there for late pick-ups etc. She is also flexible about days.

Valentine xxx
I work two days a week, when Austin is looked after by his Grandmas. My mum has him on Mondays & OH's mum has him on Wednesdays. This worked out well for us from a financial point of view but I do worry sometimes about him getting too dependant on one-to-one attention.

We go to a parent & child group on Tuesday mornings so he sees a lot of other babies there, and as Valentine said I'm hoping that when he goes to pre-school he'll be able to get on with lots of children there.

Sorry I haven't answered your question exactly, I never really had the choice to make between childminder or nursery.
Thanks ladies.

i think I'd prefer day nursery as this particular one is in the same complex as my office which would be handy and very reassurung. My OH prefers the idea of a childminder. He has a friend whos wife's mum is a childminder so I might quiz her about it.

I guess we have a bit of time yet- Im going back to work at the end of January

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