

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Ok.. a colleague of mine got sent home today after she claimed she was itching and had loads of spots all over her legs and back.. and it seems there's a chance she might have chicken pox. Is this dangerous for me? I never had chickenpox as a kid.. she only came in for a few hours earlier but was sat about a foot or two away from me.. I'm a little worried.. what can I do? :|
if your really worried i would ring your midwife for advice, i heard it is not good if you catch chickenpox when pregnant, i could be wrong though, try not to worry and ask your midwife or even NHS direct x :hug:
Yeah its better if you've already had them b4 pregnancy because you then have the antibodies to fight off the infection. Was is a confirmed chickenpox? Your colleague could just be having an allergic reaction to something.

As already advised speak to your midwife or call NHS direct for peace of mind
Were you tested when you had your bloods taken earlier in your pregnancy?
I came into contact with chickenpox when I was about 16weeks pregnant and the children I nanny for had it. I did have it as a child but I still checked with the midwife, she told me that if you'd had it you should be fine and even if you havent its very rare to cause any major problems and its usually only in the first 12weeks if it does. I would still get checked but you should be fine :hug:
make sure it was chickenpox before u worry, chickenpox is a childhood disease so it could be unlikly she had it, it coulds av been an allergic reaction, as chicken pox normally flares up all of a sudden and be in many places. If you havnt contracted chickenpox before, theres a chance u might catch it (my daughter had it a few months back i was ok but OH wasnt immune but he didnt catch it). There is a risk to baby if you do catch it. but i must stress plz find out if it was chickenpox first.
First of all, try not to panic. I too was exposed to chicken pox at work, although earlier on in pregnancy, and I spent ages ringing the hospital, seeing my doctor, and just generally trying to establish whether or not I was immune! They used my booking in bloods and tested them, but it took them ages to get back to me and let me know.

It's very unlikely that you wouldn't be immune to it, but that can be established by a simple blood test, so the best thing to do, is get yourself to your midwife or GP and ask to be tested, even just to put your mind at rest. Even if you aren't immune, it's only very very slightly dangerous in the very early days, or in the very late stages of pregnancy. Being within Tri 2, you're in the best part of pregnancy if you do happen to catch it, so don't fear.

Good luck x
I called my Mum and asked her if I had it as a child and she said I never had it.. and the girl at work who might have it at the moment has never had it.. she said her husband also has the same rash type thing in places all over his body.. she went to the pharmacy in her lunch-break and they told her it could be chicken pox.. when she told the pharmacist that she works with someone who is pregnant the pharmacist told her she should go home for today until she has seen a doctor and confirmed whether or not it is.. If it's not too much of a worry I might leave it until I see some symptom or at least until my MW appt next week and she can tell me the risks. For now, my colleague has gone home and she's not coming back in until she's seen the doctor and gets the all clear. :)
Well at least shes not around for now and u need direct contact with her to catch it.
So hope everything goes ok and u dnt catch the pesky things.
I would advise that you contact your Midwife/GP anyway. I had a similar thing with my boss who came into the office and told me " I think I have shingles"!!!! I was 15 weeks pregnant at the time.

I contacted my midwife straight away who said as long as I had had chicken pox there wasn't a risk. As you haven't had it I would advise contacting MW even if you have no symptoms, at least if nothing else it will put your mind at ease x
hellie123 said:
I would advise that you contact your Midwife/GP anyway. I had a similar thing with my boss who came into the office and told me " I think I have shingles"!!!! I was 15 weeks pregnant at the time.

I contacted my midwife straight away who said as long as I had had chicken pox there wasn't a risk. As you haven't had it I would advise contacting MW even if you have no symptoms, at least if nothing else it will put your mind at ease x

Someone at my work has shingles (not sure if she's better now but i heard her mention it). Should i be worried about that? I did have chicken pox when i was young.

SoontobeMrs - sorry to hijack! Just added another thing to worry about :lol: Hope you're ok.
Apparently you can catch chicken pox from someone who has shingles, but only if you've never had it before.
If you had chicken pox as a kid (even a mild dose you never knew about as in my case as I've discovered lately!), then you're safe.
meandthebump said:
hellie123 said:
I would advise that you contact your Midwife/GP anyway. I had a similar thing with my boss who came into the office and told me " I think I have shingles"!!!! I was 15 weeks pregnant at the time.

I contacted my midwife straight away who said as long as I had had chicken pox there wasn't a risk. As you haven't had it I would advise contacting MW even if you have no symptoms, at least if nothing else it will put your mind at ease x

Someone at my work has shingles (not sure if she's better now but i heard her mention it). Should i be worried about that? I did have chicken pox when i was young.

SoontobeMrs - sorry to hijack! Just added another thing to worry about :lol: Hope you're ok.

As long as you have had chicken pox you are fine, you cant catch shingles from some who has it only catch chicken pox. I still think though people with shingles should stay at home until they are better!!!!! Like you say, just something else to worry about!!!! x
im sure its most dangerous to pregnant woman in the 1st 12 weeks and the last tri :think:
shinlges is the adult form of chicken pox, so if u have had it youre fine.
If you had chickenpox as a child, then you cannot have chickenpox again. The virus stays in your body and you get shingles from the same virus that caused your chickenpox. However, you can get shingles from someone who has chickenpox because it reactivates the virus. BUT ONLY IF YOU HAD CHICKENPOX BEFORE.
If you catch chickenpox while pregnant it's dangerous for the baby in the first tri, but not in the second. It can cause problems if the mother has it while due or delivering.

Best of luck.


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