Chickenpox??? Help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi there,

Tom has had a temperature since yesterday afternoon. It was 38.4 when he went to bed so I gave him Nurofen and Medised. At 4.30am it was 39.1 :shock: so I gave him Nuro and Medised again.

I took him to the Dr at 10.30 as his temp was still 38.2 despite having Calpol at 10am. I've now given him another Nurofen at 12.30 but his temp is still 38.1.

The Dr said his throat looked very sore so it could be a viral throat infection.

However...2 weeks ago we met up with my friend and her son William. William has got chickenpox. It started last Thursday so he's had it a week now.

Does this sound like the start of chickenpox to you????

Any advice would be great.
Thank you! Lxx
If his throat is sore it sounds more like a viral infection. Just keep an eye out on his back and tummy and nappy lines for little red blistery spots. If hes got the pox i would think the spots will come soon.
They do tend to be ill before the spots come out which is when theyre most contagious then by the time the spots come out they're abit more themselves so it could be but if his throat is sore thats not likely to be chicken pox probably a viral infection as doctor said. In chicken pox the spots often appear on the trunk, i.e. tummy and chest first so you could keep and eye out for these to be on safe side
could be lucy incubation period is 21 days so it can be 3 weeks before spots come out, could be a red herring though and be a nasty viral infection, poor tom, give him a big hug from me x
Thanks girls. I'll keep an eye on him. His temperature is still up but he managed a rice pudding this eve. L x
Sounds the same as before Ryan had his chicken pox, but the hospital dismissed us as Viral too. He was already being looked at for chest infections and god knows what though, so I wouldn't put it just down to chicken pox... It's best they have it early tho, Ryan wasn't that bothered to be honest and certainly saves him having it when he's old enough to scratch :hug:
It sounds similar to how my nephews were a couple of weeks back and it turned out they have Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease. Watch for blisters in those areas.
It could well be the start of chicken pox, Reece had them a couple of weeks ago, he was hot and just not himself for about 5 days before the spots appeared.
When they appeared he was back to normal within about 2 days, he was sooo good with them, didnt scratch or anything which I was quite surprised about!

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