chicco happy snack high chair?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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we have bought this one and i love it but the straps are very loose and there doesn't appear to be any safety clips at the back so the straps are very mobile and not very supportive for luke, i know he is small but the straps are huge on the harness!

does this make sense to anyone or am i talking babble

i mean if he launched himself forward the straps would not stop him at all.
I have the Chicco Polly which is similar, that has sliding adjusters on the shoulders? Does the Happy Snacker have them??
yes they have the same adjusting straps but normally like on lukes stroller there is a clip at the back that keeps the straps tawt.

we have the straps as tight as we can and they are still massive.

thanks for quick reply zoe :wink:

edit - its like there is a clip missing at the back? :think: i think i will have to pop into a shop where there is one on display and check it out. sorry i'm not explaining myself very well at all.
Jake has got a Chicco Happy Snack. Have you got the straps through the bottom holes rather than the top ones? If you have already got them through the bottom holes and they are on the shortest adjustment then I think that is the most you can do. Let me know if you find out that they can be made shorter though because I have looked at the highchair and I see what you mean. Does it not say in the instruction manual?
Gemma & Jake said:
Jake has got a Chicco Happy Snack. Have you got the straps through the bottom holes rather than the top ones? If you have already got them through the bottom holes and they are on the shortest adjustment then I think that is the most you can do. Let me know if you find out that they can be made shorter though because I have looked at the highchair and I see what you mean. Does it not say in the instruction manual?

yes the holes are in the bottom hole. nothing in the instruction manual that i can see. never mind i will just have to keep feeding him to make him big enough to fit in it!!

thanks for your help, will let you know if i ever find out a better solution x
I had the same problem with it! Ended up buying a booster seat when Aaron turned 1 cos he could take the straps off and climb out.

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