Chemical pregnancy or all in my head?

Katie Mc

Dec 24, 2016
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My husband and I have now been ttc for 9 months. This month we relaxed on everything a little, no temps, no ovulation sticks just vitamins and Dtd every other day.
Now being a bit moody and having sore boobs on and off before my period isn't that unusual for me but I had also been really tired and eating much more than normal, which made me think that maybe finally it was our turn for a bfp. 3 days ago when I went to the toilet there was brown old blood in my knickers (sorry tmi), nothing like my normal af. There was then a little when I wiped for the rest of that day, then nothing. Of course I Google and it seemed to match the description of implantation bleeding. At this point I still tried not to get excited but then of course was reading into any possible symptom. My husband made a passing comment that my nipples looked a little bit darker.
Then this morning I woke up to that bitch af! I'm so gutted. I've actually had less cramping than normal but my period is much heavier than normal. I've been looking online for some idea as to what the hell is going on with my body and the only thing that comes up is chemical miscarriage. I just wondered if anyone else has experience this and thinks that could it explain it or am I looking for something that just isn't there?

On a separate note this month and last month I have got a rotten cold two days before af arrives, what's that about?
So sorry to hear what's been happening. It does sound like you had some serious symptoms there so it could have been. Have you done a test? I just had a chemical where I started bleeding 3 days after AF was due but I got positive test results until a week after I stopped bleeding 10 days after af was due so it might show up and give you some answers/closure?

Sending you lots of luck and baby dust for next month xx
I had a very early miscarriage our first month TTC and when AF arrived it was very very heavy instantly (usually starts very light). I had implantation bleeding 2 days prior which was just a couple of spots of blood.. I also had a cold, mainly a very sore throat on the day I assumed I implanted and then it disappeared the next day.. I read somewhere it's something to do with your immune system lowering to allowing for implantation (not sure how true it is but made sense as to why I had such a random sore throat!)

Good luck xx
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Thanks for your replies.

I haven't done any tests as I was trying to be good and wait until af was late. So far my period has been pretty typical. The only difference is my boobs are enormous, they have literally gone up a bra size overnight which I have never had before.
I have a horrendous cold too which I have also read somewhere about your immune system being lower.

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