
i'm sooooooooo bored lol my 2 are playing in the garden and i'm sat ehre bored out of my face all :roll:
Oh my god what a day :(

I ended up calling an ambulance for Oli, she woke up from her nap ( after 30 mins) screming and threw up :(

Went down stairs and she was kicking and screaming for ages, so after 40 mins of this I called one, got to the hospital and threw up again.

Had her ears checked and she has another ear infection (her 3rd in 4 months!)
I feel so annoyed with myself though becuase this has been happening since she weaned herself from breastfeeding, and I just feel if we were carrying on, she wouldnt have ear infections :cry:

Well shes much better now and is very happy again.

Poor babies :(
Hi again everyone :wave:

Im back from holiday...did you even notice I had gone? :cry: :rotfl:

I had a lovely time away and now I am only a few days away from the 12 weeks mark! :cheer:

We actually had a sneaky private scan done whilst away and all is well with baby. They said that they think I could be a couple of days further in than I think but were reluctant to go against what my local hospital has said. I will try and post a picture tomorrow :dance:

Im off to tell the in-laws tomorrow - yipee and then my parents will be told on Monday. Im not sure how much sleep I will get tonight :rotfl:

ROM - Lovely to see you in here with us :hug:

Kmac - You dont have that much longer to wait. Im really pleased that we managed to hold out until the 12 weeks. We didnt get an NHS scan at 12 weeks but we got one done at a private clinic to check that everything is OK. Im not sure anyone can tell you what to do.... you have to follow your heart on this one! Hope you are enjoying the hen night.

Tasha - Sorry to hear about poor Oil but Im glad she is feeling better.

Sorry that I have not had enough time to go through all the posts but I hope you are all well. x
Morning ladies, onoy 1 day till scan :shock: ok now im scared, its at 9am so not long to wait but still, hope little bean is ok :pray:
Im sat here eating sausage rolls heated in the microwave and omg how yummy, im in heaven
morning girls

i just woken up.feel bit sick so layin in bed still dont wanna get up

:puke: :puke: :puke:
sorry m2b, stay in bed

I had some dry toast, does it really help with morning sickness? I'm kinda hungry but I dont like the smell of the kitchen lol makes me vomit.

I'm gonna be out of here in a few days and got scan on wednesday!!!!!
Thank you babydust :hug:

Well shes a lot better today, back to her old self, I hope you DD will get better soon hun :hug:

Im absolutly shatterd though :(
sally :wave: nice to see you back xxxxxxx

hope everyones ok am having a miserable day today keep screaming at o/h he cant do anything right :evil: so just popping in to say hi and then going to try and sort out facebook as all my mates are on it ive registered but havent done anything else lol and they are all nagging me xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Welcome back Sally :wave:

Babydust - hope your DD is getting better - sounds scary :hug:

Glad oli is better Tasha.

Well ladies I spoke too soon yesterday. I honestly felt brilliant in the morning.... but in the afternoon the old queasiness kicked in. I felt awful, and it basically hasn't gone away yet. I just went for the meal on the hen night then drove home - fortunately the portion sizes were ridiculously small! So today all I have managed to do is wander round Tesco and then had to come home and sleep!!
We are supposed to be having home-made burgers for tea and we bought one of those little disposable bbqs to cook them on.... I really hope the smell will make me hungry. But we forgot to get buns to put them in so it's my job to go and get them as DH is fixing the fence.

I'm fed up of this - it's like feeling car sick all the time :(

Hope you are all having a good day xxx
kmac know how you feel hun its horrible :( although fingers crossed mine does seem to be finally easing this week ive not felt sick quite as much even had 2 days with no sickness at all :D on all my other pregnancies my sickness only lasted till about 10 weeks except on my 1st where it lasted till about 16 weeks not sure whats going to happen this time as its twins lol xxx

babydust hows your DD hun any improvement? hope shes feeling a bit better xxx

tasha hows your DD hun hope shes better too xxx

mel good luck for your scan today im sure all will be fine xxx

hope everyone else is ok :wave: and not feeling too sicky :hug: xxx

well its boiling hot here been up since early with christopher hoping he will have a little sleep this morning as hes got injections this afternoon :( poor little mits has to have his mmr hoping my sister is going to take him :pray: if i can get her to answer her phone today :evil:
hope everyone has a lush day xxxxxxxx
Hey there

I made it - 12 weeks today :dance:

I had the most AMAZING day yesterday! We went to see DH's family to tell them the news and they are all sooo excited! There were lots of tears and lots of people saying "at last!" So future Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and greatgrandparents on one side have been told and my family to go tonight....cant wait! :cheer:

We sat in the sunshine all afternoon talking babies :dance: Now it all feels so real :D

Kmac - I hope you were able to eat your bugers! Your sickness shouldnt last too much longer :pray:

Rach - Im having a nightmare with facebook at the moment. As I have told some people about the pregnancy I am terrified that they will put something on there which will tell all my friends and family my news before I get a chance to :wall: Love facebook but hate it too!

babydust - how is DD today?

Mum2be - Are you feeling better today? Morning sickness totally sucks!
Hello all. I'm back from my exams! So glad to be back.

babydust and tasha - hope your DDs get better soon!
mel - good luck with your scan!!
mumtobe? - sorry your feeling ill, hope your feeling better soon hun.
kmac - I hope the burgers cured some of your sickness and you feel alright now.

congrats sally on reach the 12 week mark you must be over the moon! :D

sorry if i've forgotten about anyone!!

I am free for the moment, just packing to move back home. So I think I'll be on PF all day so I'll be able to catch up properly.
sally so glad you are enjoying telling everyone :cheer: hope it all goes well tonight with your family :cheer: yay 12 weeks already :D nearly 2nd tri hun :hug: xxxx

christina glad your exams are over hun hope you did ok in them xxxx
awww babydust hun can you not take her to your own gp today for a 2nd opinion :hug: hope she is better soon xxxxxx
aww babydust, I'm sorry to hear about your DD. Did the out of hours GP not give her any anitbiotics? I haven't seen measles before but if your not sure I would definitely take her to your GP today for a second opinion. Its best to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to medical issues! I would take her and I hope its not measles and just viral. Good luck and I really hope your DD gets better soon :hug:

exams were prelims so that I can get into the second year of geography here at Oxford. they were really hard actually. I had four papers and absolutely screwed one up so I'm not convinced I passed :? though I am leaving anyway as I want to change course to do Geo and Economics at a uni nearer home in London. so it's all good anyway :D

good luck telling your family sally!! :)
babydust i just had a look and i would say it really does look like measles hun call gp out :hug: xxxxxxxxx

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