
hun she hasnt had her mmr booster in last couple of weeks has she??? i know that can cause a reaction like this a few weeks after having it xxxxx
I hope the GP is more helpful at this appointment! Good luck and I hope things gets sorted :)
awww hun it wouldnt be that then its too long ago was worth asking though glad you not got long to wait for an appointment hope you get some answers :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Oh the poor thing babydust :(
I suppose at least you know what it is now
How long does measles last? (I have so much to learn!)
oh I'm sorry your DD has measles. I hope your DD recovers quickly and doesn't feel too poorly. Poor girly :(
awwww poor little lamb did they say how long it would last hun? ive heard that some people can still get it even though they have had the MMR but not so severe apparently hope this is the case for your DD and really hope shes better soon xxxxxxx
Oh Claire what a nightmare - I really get cross when this sort of thing happens - when will doctors learn nobody knows children like their mums!! I really hope your DD will feel better soon :hug:

Can I be a pain - over the last couple of days I seem to have a low lying pain (a bit like AF pain but not as strong) but constant..... I am also very bloated and cannot stop burbing!! Josh and Dave think it is so funny as I have never been a "windy" person before..... Every now and then I seem to get a tugging around my tummy button too - with my history I am beginning to get a bit worried - the pain is not bad or anything but is definately there. I am also quite constipated so I am wondering if it could be that? I dont see my GP for another 2 weeks to "book in" but will hopefully hear from the consultant who dealt with all my problems at Christmas this week and we are hoping she will organise an early scan. Our local EPU wont do one at the moment as my beta's came back so good and I havent had any bleeding....... I just wondered if anyone else has had this type of discomfort?

Thanks ladies - I am so glad you are all so far in front of me (its been a long time since I went through this and my memory is not as good as it used to be :D )
babydust :hug: :hug: hope your daughter starts to get better soon.

rom - i had pains like you describe at the start, but I hardly get any now. I suppose I am more windy too! And def not as regular as I used to be!

I have to say ladies that I am thinking about trying to stay off the forum until I have had my scan. I keep reading other peoples sad stories and it is making me so worried. I have been in a right state all evening.
I've got no reason to think that anything is wrong - and I still feel tired and queasy - but I am terrified I will get to the scan and there will be nothing there.
In saying that I am a bit of a forum addict so I don't know how successful i will be - scan is still 2 weeks away!
Anyway I'm going to sleep on it and see what I think tomorrow.

Hope everyone is ok
ROM - welcome to pregnancy! That is exactly how I have been all the way through. Its a strange pain not like any I have had before I got pg. Apparently it is everything stretching down there to make room. As for the burping...just wait for the farting to get ya! :rotfl: Relax its all normal :D

Kmac - Is there any way you could get a private scan done to reassure you? 2 weeks is a very long time to wait when you are so nervous.
rom i had this till i was about 7/8 weeks hun its normal try not to worry :hug: xxx

kmac know how you feel hun im starting to get paranoid still 2 weeks and 2 days till my scan and every time i come on here i swear im not going to bother for a couple of weeks but i end up coming back :( xxx
Morning everyone how are you all?
i 'm feeling a bit shoddy this morning i don't feel pregnant and as my scan date is nearing i'm scared there won't be a baby silly i know, i'm sure it's my hormones playing me up but argh why can't i feel pregnant i love feeling pregnant :? anyway today i have no children as my daughter goes nursery all day today, i hope to just take today easily and enjoy the peace and quiet
i hope you all have nice days
Morning everyone, I have spoken to my own GP this morning and he has arranged for me to have a scan this afternoon at 3.30 pm - just as reassurance...... Now I am worrying they wont be able to see anything at all - cant be satisfied!! I think my hcg should be around the 1500 today and I am about 4 weeks 4 days I think. Do you think they will be able to see anything at all? I just so want to see even a sac in the uterus.....
ROM - found this for you
The gestational sac first appears at about 4 weeks gestational age, and grows at a rate of about 1 mm a day through to the 9th week of pregnancy.

While a gestational sac is sometimes seen as early as during the 4th week of gestation, it may not be seen until the end of the 5th week, when the serum hCG levels have risen to 1000 -1500 mIU.

I hope you get to see somthing (altho if you do see anything it will be teeny tiny) but try not to worry too much if you dont as it is still very early :hug:
morning everybody!

how you all doing this morning? hope your all good.

i feel quite excited as me and OH have decided to get married this summer! we have also just booked our trip to Japan, China and the West Coast of America! :D :D

I'm sorry all you ladies are getting worried about scans!
ROM - good luck in your scan this afternoon, will be thinking of you. the crampy pains are definitely normal, i had quite a few of those in the earlier weeks.
babydust - I'm really glad your feeling a bit better after a good nights sleep. I hope it continues. how's your DD doing this morning?
kmac - like babydust said, maybe you can get an earlier scan to put your mind at rest. try and stay chilled and not worry too much about your scan.
anna - sorry to hear your feeling lame. I'm sure all will be fine with your scan and LO will be bouncing about! Try to stay positive hun. I hope you feel better soon.

all this talk of scans I got my date through yesterday for 27th June :cheer:
I'm back - well they were able to see a sac but no yoke or pole (not that we expected to yet). They think I am around 4 weeks 4 days and although this does not rule out ectopic it is definately looking good. (Sometimes with ectopic you have a soudo sac in the Uterus). Anyway they have booked me another scan next Tuesday at which time they would hope to see a yoke.......

I feel much better as they also said they could see my bowels were full!! and the pain I am having is probably constipation :oops: :oops: :oops:
reallyoldmum said:
I'm back - well they were able to see a sac but no yoke or pole (not that we expected to yet). They think I am around 4 weeks 4 days and although this does not rule out ectopic it is definately looking good. (Sometimes with ectopic you have a soudo sac in the Uterus). Anyway they have booked me another scan next Tuesday at which time they would hope to see a yoke.......

I feel much better as they also said they could see my bowels were full!! and the pain I am having is probably constipation :oops: :oops: :oops:

Thats brilliant news ROM I am so please for you and send you a bucket full of baby glue! x
rom fab news :hug: xxxxxxxxx

girls am really stressed out going to take a few days off to try and forget (if thats possible) about pregnancy and babies etc im not coping very well at the moment and am arguing loads with oldest son and o/h and people in work so its obviously me think im going to try and stay off pc for a few days and do some reading i know that will take my mind off other things
please all keep well :hug: :hug: :hug: see you in a few days xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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