
argh!! i hate men, my man brought me a pack of 5 twixes the other day and i had one, my children had one and i let him have one (it was out of my money) and there was one left well i wanted that yesterday and guess what HE HAD EATEN IT!!!!!! anyway i asked him to go shop to get some milk the other day too and said ohhh pick up some magnums please so he did he got 2 packets as it was buy one get one free so we had 6 magnums anyway i have had 2 of them and this morning i decided i wanted one and LOW AND BEHOLD they are GONE!!!! argh!!! i'm so anoyed i now have to wait till i get some time to go to the shop and get another pack witch i'll probaly have to hide so it doesn't get eaten :x :x :wall: :wall:
well ive just spoken to the hospital and now im furious no appointment has been made for me at all :evil: even though my midwife sent off the booking forms when i was 5 weeks then spoke to them when i was 6 weeks to tell them i had to be seen earlier due to finding out i was having twins and nobody seems to know anything about it grrrrrrrrrrrr im now waiting for my consultants secretary to phone me back and everyone keeps saying can your midwife phone us and we will sort it out with her but of course my midwife is on holidays for 3 bloody weeks :wall: :wall: dont know what im going to do now am totally stressed out xxxx
well many phone calls and much stress later its finally sorted they havent recieved my booking forms which means they have probably gone to the normal ante natal unit but im classed as high risk so go to a different part of the hospital called the llanfoist suite theres also nobody there who recalls speaking to my midwife :evil: but after digging out my notes and asking me a million questions on phone i finally have an appointment apparently as ive had a scan at 6 weeks and saw both heartbeats and that they are not identical twins they didnt have to see me sooner anyway but i should have seen my heamatologist by now as im on the blood thinning injections so they had to get in touch with my consultant for the baby and consultant for the bloods and come up with the nearest date that they can both see me same time which is 3 weeks today at 11am :cheer: so not too bad i will be 12+3 i think so its about 2 weeks later than we were expecting but at least we have a date now only 3 weeks and i can see my babies again :cheer: i cried my eyes out when i got off the phone the last time i was so upset think the stress has really got to me today :cry:

anyway enough off me wheres everybody gone????
this thread used to be so busy xxxxxxxxx
Ah Rach I am glad you have got it sorted now....sorry it was such hassle for you though!

I am busy trying to get some stuff sorted out at work as I am off tomorrow so need to try and wrap a few things up today.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
hi chok nice to see you hun :wave: hope your ok and looking forward to a nice day off :D
any ideas where the rest of the chart stalkers are???
i know sally is away and i think charmed is on hols too but wheres kmac and babydust? ive seen tasha about but we are still missing a few of us :(
im still full up with a cold :( throat not so sore today though so hopefully on the mend now
Yeah Im sure Charmed is away for 2 weeks (lucky thing!)
I dunno about the others does seem to be the case that on random days there is no-one about (usually the days when I have the most free time unfortunately)

Hope you continue to feel better......colds suck dont they - you feel completely awful but you aren't really properly 'ill'. :hug:
yeah totally and dont you just hate snot :puke: not the best thing to have lots of when your suffering from sickness anyway lol well im off to get me and christopher bathed early and in our pjs ready for big brother tonight im totally addicted cant wait for new 1 to start :cheer: enjoy your day off 2moro chok xxxxxxxxx
(Knock knock) hey you two - I'm here - still to scared to jump in and definately no ticker for a while, but I have been doing a load of reading up and I think my GP didnt listen when I said I was testing a week early!! No where can I find 73 being a low figure for 7 or even 9 dpo!!

I have been peeing on tests every day and they are definately getting darker so hopefully tomorrow will bring better news and a date for a scan. I dont care if they carnt see much just enough to see its in my uterus will do :D Dave keeps on poking me behind my ears to see if its there this time!!! I think he thinks he's funny....

Rach I'm sorry you feel poorly still - colds are rotten at any time but when you have two little ones taking all the goodness out of your system it must be exhausting.

Choklatemunky are you doing anything nice tomorrow or just a day off?
:D Wooo Rach, can't beat a bit of trashy telly can ya!

:wave: ROM, Glad you are feeling positive, it cant hurt! We all still have our fingers crossed that you are here for the long haul!
Well it was my Bday this week and I was at work :( so me n DH are having a long weekend together.... :D
:wave: hi rom hun lovely to have you here with us :hug: i thought the same ive looked at a few different sites for hcg levels and yours seemed fab to me :D i think your doc was just not listening when you told her you had tested early what time 2moro will you have the results from yesterdays bloods hun? hope they give you your scan soon i would imagine after having an eptopic last time they would not leave it long before scanning you although your hcg levels and the fact that the tests are getting darker every day is such a good sign hun :hug: im so pleased for you im at work 2moro but will be racing home to find out your results and il be thinking of you :hug: xxxxxxxx
How nice - me and dave are hoping the weather will be good on sunday and hope to have a couple of days alone on the boat ....... staying over in Pwhelli marina on Sunday night and going out for a nice meal :-)

Rach I used to love BB but the last couple of ones seem to have been a bit daft didnt realise it starts tonight - might just watch it myself although if its on after 8.00 pm I'm bound to be asleep - cant keep my eyes open at the moment - in fact I could just do with a nap now..... Dont feel sick yet though but I am constantly hungry :D I hope this pregnancy is in the right place or I will have to get back on my diet pretty sharpish... :D I am sitting here thinking about a cup of tea and a slice of sponge cake!!!! With really thick coffee icing..... God I am going to have to go and get one now :-)
Hi everyone! :wave:
Hope your all well?
Rach Im glad you have finally got an appointment!! Talk about a pain in the beep! And sorry your full of a cold! :hug:

ROM I havent spoken to you before but congratulations! :hug: Im sure everything will be fine! Your numbers seem fine to me too!! :hug:

Chok Hope you have a great weekend and DH does get you something nice!! ;)
I can ring for my tests tomorrow after 2.00 pm - I am actually going to try them now as the lady at the hospital said they may get them back in 24 hours as they were due to a previous ectopic.... Of course the lines are busy... and then I will have to get past the dragon of a receptionist!! :-)
Im here but trying not to come on here with my weorries as im sure people ARE sick of me by now, got my scan on mon and im convinced i wont see anything or something will be wrong, pain in my right side again, iots near my overies so im wondering if its because of the cysts but im npot sure, just gotta wait and see
lea was wondering where you were i was getting ready to invade 2nd tri and give you a telling off for not visiting often enough lol how you feeling hun? xxxxx

mel we are all worried hun and believe me i tell everyone on here every one of them :hug: thats what we are all here for we would rather you tell us than worry on your own :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx

rom fingers crossed you get the results today :hug: xxxxx

chok :cheer: bring on the trashy telly :rotfl: hope you have a lovely weekend hun so sorry i missed your birthday i would have posted if id known :oops: hope you had a good day and make sure o/h spoils you rotten this weekend xxxxx
Tbh i dont know how much longer i can cope with it all, all the stress and worry is causing me not to eat and i have never been so miserable in my whole life and its killing me slowly i think, it sounds aweful but it almost makes me feel like i am at breaking point and im not enjoying being pg at all, i hate all of this :cry:
Mel :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm sure its no help really but I do understand where you are at the moment. I go from feeling so down I could just sit and cry to being really positive, so much so that I make myself sick!! I know Monday seems like a lifetime away it just all sucks x x x x x x

Oh and they wont give me my results until tomorrow!!!
Rach! Lol your funny! :D
Im good! Well I wasnt now Iam haha went a bit down! Got a doc app tomorrow and going to see about some pills! But slightly cheery today Yay! lol Planning a nice short break to either Rome (again, this time last year i was there, in the hot Italian sun! :() Or Paris!
Paris is cheaper so might try there lol?

Mel, i was the same until about 10 weeks! Then I got worried again just before my 12 week scan!
When I got my BFP, 3 people I know just miscarried! 2 of them were missed! It scared the hell out of me and I was a ball of worry! I dont know what changed but it did! I hope the same for you!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks so much girls, i know its so bad i feel so depressed, i have a feeling everything isnt ok and no matter what people say i cant shake that feeling, its not like me, i moan a bit but im not this bad. Im not eating properly, only had one meal today as i cant bring myself to eat i dont feel hungry, and normally i eat for england, i dont know whats come over me its like im a different person, im screaming at people and having to phone them saying sorry as it just comes out, im at work for 2 and a half hours tonight so hopefully it will help get things off my mind, i just wana be happy :hug:

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