
anna just seen you have your scan today good luck hun hope it goes well for you cant wait to see pic :D xxxxxxxxxx
:wave: everyone - feeling really scared now - we have our second scan tomorrow at 2.00 pm when I will be just over 5 weeks - they want to see a yoke sac to be sure that it is not ectopic - I am sure its just because I am nervous but today I feel as if I have alsorts of strange pains and keep on running to the loo as I feel AF has started - its actually tons and tons of cm :oops: . Is this normal? I'm not itchy or anything there is just loads of it!!

Sorry to go on about me but I am sitting here trying to work and worrying myself stupid.... plus I havent had a sleep this afternoon and I'm completely knackered!! All last week I sneaked a nap in and today I havent been able to - cant wait to go home and get into bed :shock:
Hiya guys unfortunatly it's bad news at 8 weeks and 3 days our baby passed away so i have been walking about for 3 weeks not knowing, i've had no pain or bleeding so tomorrow i'm going to the hospital for a d and c sorry to give more sad news and i hope everyone elses pregnancy goes really well and healthy. Just so you know once i have a period after this one we are gonig to try again :hug:
anna as ive said in m/c and loss section im so so sorry hun take care of yourself here if you need to talk :hug: xxxxxxxxx

rom good luck with your scan 2moro i will be in work but will be thinking of you hun :hug: xxxxxxxx

babydust hope your feeling better hun and had fun making cakes with the girls :D xxxxxxxx
Anna - Im so sorry to read your news :cry: I hope you are OK. We are here if you want to chat. I hope you feel ready to try again soon :hug: :hug:

Well, I get shipped out of here today to Tri 2. I am pleased to get to the next stage but I am still very aware that such sad things happen :?

Good luck to everyone who has scans coming up and if you are feeling sick I hope it passes soon.

I will save you all lots of cake but will also keep popping in for a chat if that is OK with you girls.

Take care :hug:
really sorry Anna :hug: :hug: :hug: We were due on the same day :( I hope you are ok.

Good luck tomorrow rom :hug:

Hope you feel better babydust

I didn't make it to swimming after work - my bladder has been bothering me all day - I had to run out of class a few times and it was really burny, so I went to the health centre to get a sample sent off. I don't think it's pregnancy related as my bladder hasn't been right for months :(
I think I must be getting bigger though as I had to unbutton my work trousers today. I hope that's a good sign as i am still very nervous about my scan.
kmac is it yours thats 2 days before mine? mines on the 26th which is thursday next week hope you get sorted soon hun cant be very nice for you :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Anna i am so rorry, words cant describe how sad i am :cry:

What the hell is happening?? Im not hopeful for the scan now, i just cant believe all the sadness in the tris the past 2 weeks its aweful :cry: :cry:
Oh thanks Claire - I must admit I havent ever seen so much bad news on the boards here but I am trying to stay positive.

I am not sure how much we will see today but we need to at least see a yoke sac I think......

On a + note I was sick for the first time this morning :D didnt ever foresee the day I would be chuffed about that!!

Our scan is at 2.00 pm so I will let you know how it goes later x x
rom thinking of you today hun good sign that you are being sick good luck xxxxxx

mel when is your scan now hun? keeping everything crossed for you and :pray: for good news xxxxxx

kmac try and stay positive hun :hug: im :pray: for good news for us both for next week :hug: xxxxxx

babydust when is your next scan? do you have 1 this week? or am i thinking of someone else :? xxxxxx

hi :wave: leanne how are you hun hope you are well xxxxxx

well no news this end at all im very boring at the moment scared to death for my next scan and counting the days down now :( off to work this afternoon and really cant be bothered today :( its only 4 hours but feels like an eternity its getting so i hate my job :evil: hope everyone else has a better day than me see you all later xxxxxxxxxx
anna, I'm so sorry to hear for your loss :cry: i dont know what to say, take care of yourself and remember we're all thinking of you :hug:

ROM good luck today :D

rach, you are due the same day as me! also try to stay positive, the scan will come round sooner than you think! hope your day is ok in the end.

things have been a bit hectic this end, moving house and trying to get things frantically booked for when we go away. I am sick of packing, bleurgh! Cannot be bothered. I'm so lazy :rotfl:
awwww hun im sure all will be fine this time :hug: :hug: :hug: try to be positive xxxxxxxxxx
Hey rach my scan is on thurs, just 2 days now. It sounds awl but ive been forgetting about being pg fof the fact i cant believe any thing will be ok so i wont be as dissapointed, makes me sound horrid :(

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