
OMG im racked with nerves, my scan is tomorrow, im almost certain that i have lsot bean, i just feel it in my gut and i feel so sick with nerves. I dont know if i can cope with any more hurt over this, the past 6 weeks have been agony, its been so hard :(
Hope you are all ok xxx
thanks ROM & baby dust for your wishes, i have done exam now and back home. was not to bad got to wait until august for results :wall:

I am off out later on to a Champneys health spa for the evening to pamper myself with my friend i cant wait, its a bride to be night, even though i cant do as much as i would like i will still enjoy it.

mel i really hope tommorrow goes well for you!
well im home only got half done but its ok at least im not tired :D
christopher had his hair done he was really good bless him and the place i took him was fab :dance: its called glitter bugz :D they cut childrens hair and do their nails and you can have parties there etc its fab they cater for babies right up to about 10 year olds. toys everywhere play stations and x boxs built in to the wall even a rabbit to pet :D and for little ones they even have special car chairs a racing car for boys and a barbie car for girls christopher loved it we had the 1st haircut package which was 7.50 and they get a photo on a certificate with an envelope at the back with some of their hair in :D :D :D he was crying when we had to leave i will get o/h to scan the photo when he gets up (working nights) and pop it in the babies photos section so you can have a look :D didnt get much else done had a quick look for a shed didnt get one and it was bucketing down with rain so we didnt go to the cemetary as it is like a bog in weather like this and i had christopher with me will have to go after work 2moro so just had lunch with mum and now chilling out at home again xxxxxx

mel keeping everything crossed for 2moro for you hun :hug: :pray: that you get good news xxxxxx

lea sounds like you had a really busy day sunday :shock: take it a bit easier hun xxxxx

rom i usually do o/h hair with the clippers and i used to do lukes but he wont let me touch his now hes 14 and will only go to the barber im not letting myself loose on poor christophers yet :lol: i also found sickness worse if i let myself get too hungry i had to eat at least every 2 hours something little to keep the sickness at bay xxxxx

mum2be have fun xxxxx
I'm glad your exams weren't too bad mum2be! What were your exams in? thats quite annoying your results are so far away.
I don't know when my results come, either tomorrow or next week :?

good luck mel with your scan, I'm sure all will be ok :hug:

also wouldn't mind being asked how I am, no one talks to me in chat :(
mum2be and christina noone is ignoring you intentionally im sure :(
i usually comment on what other people have said since last time i was on if they have only commented on other people and not put anything about themselves they get the group ( :wave: hi to everyone else) that i put on the bottom there are too many of us to constantly list everyone by name
sorry you are feeling this way
Aww Im sorry people feel ignored! I usually comment on things people have said and I know people do that with me! Same as Rach!!

Good luck tomorrow Mel!! :pray: :hug: I have everything crossed for you hun!!
Rach that hair place sounds absolutely fantastic!! I wonder if there is something similar near me :think:
:oops: sorry ladies if I've barged in :oops: Its just that I know most of the others from chartstalkers.

Christina are you waiting for your degree results? Mum2be you will be amazed how quick August comes - put them out of your mind now and enjoy the summer :D

Mel we are all :pray: for you - I really hope you go tomorrow and all is fine - I will be online all day so make sure you let us know as soon as you get back.

Mel I cant imagine arranging a party at the moment - just getting myself up and dressed and into work is enough to exhaust me at the minute....
thanks rach and lea, i think i was being a bit sensitive. feeling a tad emotional at the moment.
i swear pregnancy is like being on your period 24/7.

rach i'm really glad you found somewhere so amazing to get christopher's hair cut. looking forward to seeing the pics! you must be so proud :D

how's everyone doing this evening? i hope everyones ok and not feeling too sick :)

i feel ok, feel a bit lazy and just want to watch sex and the city. i really can't wait til we have moved back to london. moving is really such a palava, eurgh :wall: got to do hoovering as well as no hoover tomorrow fun fun!! i should get an award for my laziness :rotfl:
i really don't know how you ladies manage with your LO's! i am going to get the shock of my life when LO is born :roll:
hay girls

its my hormones to, just would like to chat to other people in my situation going throught the same as we are only the ones going throught it other people dont understand.

I just got home from today, was a lovely day out, mini treatments. spent some money hehe

feeling very tired now though
sorry if I made any of you feel guilty, have some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

anyway, spread the love :D
Thanks ROM, im sat up at fooking 3 am with nerves lol, went to bed at 11 and it desnt help that Gal is taking up half my bed space. Forgot to wash my hair yesterday so i look so ming :lol:
Mel - not long now - I hope you got back to sleep in the end - I have had the other problem, Dave is away for a couple of nights and I always find it hard to sleep without him next to me :D

I will be watching for your return so I can uncross everything :D

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
HEY ladies, thanks for all the loverly messages, Ive sent jaydesmummy my scan pic so thanks for that hunny, i feel at ease now and i feel like i can post now, that i belong here, cant believe how much bean has grown :cheer:
best of luck hun. Morning girls, my god i woke up with a smile stuck to my face :D Im so happy now i cant believe it :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: sorry had to share
Hi everyone

How are we all doing? Glad the scans went well Mel & Claire!!!

I feel quite exhausted to be honest. I had to tell work this week (so I can get the time off for my appointments next week) only a few people know and it's meant to saty confidential. There is such a lot happening at work just now. One person in our department has been off sick for ages so we have been trying to cover his classes, now he has resigned... so with that and in light of my news my boss is doing the whole timetable again and I am losing my really nice senior class. I know it's probably better for them to have the same teacher all year but I'm still a bit gutted. :( I have no idea wht my timetable is going to end up like now, but I suppose it's only until Christmas... all being well on Tuesday - which is a whole other issue which I'm not going to harp on about any more. I have still been feeling really sick and got sore boobs - that's a good sign there is still something happening isn't it?

I have been having a few sharp pains though - is that normal?

Wow - sorry for the ramble!! Apparently lots of people at work have been speculating that I am pg so I guess they won't be surprised when I tell them after the scan. I'll be glad to get it out in the open!!

I'm supposed to be doing some housework just now. It's been seriously neglected. DH will do the kitchen and bathroom (we take turns) so I just need to dust and hoover.

Anyone doing anything nice at the weekend? I'm getting my hair cut (possibly quite short) and DH is going away to his parents (I'm not) so I will be on m own until Sunday when my mum is coming through and we're going to go shopping. Looking forward to that!

Hope everyone is ok
hey everyone!
can i join in please!?

kmac,i was just reading your post,how far on are you??
i think im about 4 weeks,i am also getting the few sharp pains you mentioned,i googled it and it seems it is normal but it worried me too.
it feels abit like AF pains before i actually start (niggly but can be sharp)
my boobs have grown huge!! (sorry tmi!!!!)
is anyone else getting lower backache? i do not have it all the time but find in bed i can get it and if i am sat in one position for too long.

hope everyone has a nice sunday!!

love claire x

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