
morning all :wave: well soon cheered up last night when o/h came in and reminded me i had hidden a big bar of galaxy in bedside cupboard the night before :wall: cant believe i forgot

does anyone else feel like they have been run over by a bus???
or am i coming down with something???

i have af pains my boobs feel like they belong to someone else and my head hurts like hell and it was my turn to get up with christopher and he woke up with a stinking cold (you know the snot to the knees type) :puke: oh and my poor belly is not dealing with the sight of that let me tell you oh well my turn for a lie in 2moro and im going to stay there till lunch time :rotfl:

how everyone feeling? xxxxxx

babydust hope your DD is better hun :hug:
flossie great news about the scan :cheer:
lea m :hug: we are allowed to be unreasonable now lol
kmac gentle exercise only now hun last time i was pg my doctor told me only swimming and walking be careful missy :hug:
satch :wave: hope your ok hun

right someone best pm me please too as im curious as hell now :oops:
I'm on my third day of not waking up absolutely ravenous! All last week I was so hungry, and I mean the kind of hungry where no matter what you eat you still feel like you haven't eaten in weeks!

So I'm kinda happy to not to be so hungry but I do wonder if its also a bad sign? LOL Why is it you're never happy - before i just wanted to feel full, now I want it back so I know I'm preggers! :wall:

Ah well can't have it all I guess!

At least I discovered a bra from last time that fits so my boobs have some support in their newly enlarged size!!
I woke up this morning ravenous!! lol
Most mornings I do and it is painful to say the least!
im a bit late joining this chat!
i really liked the chart stalking- tho i think i only made 1/2 a cycle as charting was lucky for me first cycle!!
i have a scan today and i should be 12w 2d.... which means ill be off to second tri next week (fingers crossed up loads)
lovely to see u all from ttc, this must be a lucky month xx
firstly lea m can you pm with the info please i have totaly missed something :?

i have just gone through 4 pages and cant remember any of it :wall:

kmac i would take it easy on the wii :|

:wave: gerb good luck today

flossy :cheer: for the bump

:wave: hi to everyone else

think i am going to have to come on here hourly to catch up :D

i cant get enough of home made chips just now i made dh make them at 11.30 last night while i watched holby city that i had recorded :dance:

does anyone have any ideas how to talk dh into getting a pet? its my dd's birthday on friday and she really wants a hamster but dh has said NO :(
Helloo ladies!

Thanks for the pm lea :wink:

I teach swimming on a Saturday morning and so am shattered now! In the pool for 2 1/2 hours :sleep: I feel really bloated today, and the swimming costume doesn't leave much to the imagination so I'm sure someone was going to say something but it looks like I've got away with it!

I think I might have some lunch & go in the garden for a snooze seeing as it's gorgeous weather down here today.

babydust - it took me 2 years to convince OH to let me get a cat, he loves him now & wouldn't be without him.
Hey ladies how are we all keeping today? Thank god ny hellish weekend of cleaning and laundry is over i had mountains of it to do :evil: Im sure th people at work do it on purpose. Oh well im sat here so starving like i havent eaten all day but at the same time i dont think i could eat as i feel so sick and just the thought makes me want to heave :( Thanks babydust i honestly cant believe im sprouting out already howd that happen :lol:
I stayed up late last night (10pm :lol: ) and am suffering for it today!

I had a sleep at lunch time for 2.5 hours but am still shattered! I can't wait for this part of pregnancy to pass!
:wave: hi how is everyone today?
i have just dropped the kids off at nursery so im about to start the housework :roll: been feeling really sick all day :( and the sky is so black here and its been raining all day :(

i have a pic of my bloat?/bump? i will post it in the bump pics, hope you will join me :)
:wave: hi all not been on much as we all have sore throats etc will try and catch up properly when better
hope everyones ok xxxxxxxxxxxxx
:hug: hope you feel better soon rach
i have fancied a blt since last night think i will need to have it :D
Hello everyone :wave:

babydust - OMG is that your bump now? :cheer: :cheer: How are you going to hide that??! :rotfl:

I am starting to get a slight bump too! Top button of my trousers is undone :oops:

I was v nearly :puke: on the side of the M4 today!!! What a place to be sick!!! Ive not actually been sick yet but had a couple of waves of feeling sick which I am pretty chuffed about!!!!

This might be just me but does anyone else still do pg tests?!! I love seeing the line appear before the control line and it going REALLY dark!! :rotfl: I have so many tests left over it can feed my POAS addiction!

Hope everyone is well :hug:
:shock: i know sally, i went to my mums yesterday but could only stay for 20 mins as my muscles were sore trying to hold it all in :oops:

i have to admit i was still poas i told myself i would do it until the line came up before the control and was as dark as it could go, i got to that stage yesterday so i only had one test left so i used it this morning, im tempted to buy more to make sure the line stays there :think:
wow babydust, just had a look at your bump photo - that is quite impressive and since you're naturally slim, it looks like the real thing. I have a rounded belly anyway, so not sure its the usual flab or something else :wink:
I have no tummy really, all I have to show for being preggers is big boobs and tight trousers. Oh and instead of being sick I just have random retching sessions lol
Wow!! :shock: babydust!!
What a bump!!! hee hee I t hought my belly was swollen hahaha
Hi all
Just had a big argument thing with my mum on the phone. It is her being unreasonable (that's what DH says) but I ended up in tears anyway so just feel crap now. She doesn't know about the pregnancy yet...

I'm worried now - I don't feel sick at all - I thought I would by now?
My tummy feels huge but I think it's just bloated...

I did a test again this morning - it had been a few days since the last one!
I just feel better when I see the line!

Hope everyone is ok
hi all :wave: feeling a little better today :D how is everyone?
im still in limbo not been able to get a doctors appointment yet so just phoning daily now till they fit me in with a half decent doctor hopefully 2moro :pray: as im working today still peeing on a stick but only every 2/3 days now the test line is as strong as the control line now which has made me feel a bit better only got a few left so wont be able to do it for much longer
kmac sorry youve had a falling out with your mum hun :hug: try not to worry about lack of symptoms some people dont have any at all :hug:
babydust hope DD is ok after her little mishap :hug:

well girls if grumpiness and tearfullness is a symptom i have it tenfold :( cant stop snapping at everyone and then bursting into tears apart from that im feeling ok ive had a few nauseous moments and 1 bout of sickness after mouthwash lol other than that just tiredness xxxxxx

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